Introspection: Bystanders vs upstanders

Update: 2021-02-06 22:51 IST

Introspection: Bystanders vs upstanders

Boldness is a new age module to choose what is more appropriately correct or a more right centric pragmatic approach based on the circumstances placed in. Most times the situations we are placed in are not positive, encouraging or even worth the place or situation we would want to be in. How do we address this typical cause and effect scenario. Do we compromise or face the challenge? When in compromising situations, we eventually lose the result in the long run due to detrimental factors which make us susceptible to negativity.


How many of us accept the most difficult battles in varied complex thriving situations? Complicated situations at the formative or most advanced level, chalk out a formidable pathway which instills a rightfully distilled situation.

In a situational analysis, when we encounter opposition, let's get to be more pragmatic by choosing to be an upstander and shell out being a bystander. So what exactly is the difference between the two? Lets understand the concepts intrinsically.

Bystanders most times by standing or misapprehend people or situations to their advantage and as they are dominated with the influencers of being vested which is self-centred. While upstanders disappropriate the same. The paradigm shift from moving from vested to being diversified rather than giving in situations makes all the difference.

Some of the elements to focus on to reach an optimum level of bystanding is through diversification of the recruitment process in organisations, shun the confronting bias by thriving on our very own differences, enhanced skilling for inclusive conversations. The way up is choosing between or moving from bystander to upstander, voicing or standing up for a cause or thought process which has definite potential, encourage a unique culture of speaking up, creating an upstander culture supporting upstanders, evaluating the behaviour standards, shed fear or phobia of speaking.

Key tools for standing up:

• Inquire

• Impactful

• Company needs

• KnowIng when to speak

To tone up the potential of upstanding, there are a few definite skills which need to be cultivated. It has to start from the formative years and must move to an advanced stage when the learning curve expands with crystal clear insightful latent learning. Skilling includes an array of techniques which pep up the potential for a complete unique you.

Be it personality development, public speaking, creative writing, making a personal impact, etiquette focussing on behavioural patterns, enhancing motivation drive, building up confidence, leadership with onus on thought learning leadership or authentic mode to name a few. Consistent focus on these skills, will pay a way for the new learning curve.

In today's prevailing negativity be it our own thought processes, limited perspectives, focussing on I rather than We, enhances and strengthens the I factor which is not an encouraging trend. Moving from I to We makes a real paradigm shift in the mindset by accommodating all rather than limiting it to our own selves. This implies organisations we work, family bonding, extended social situations that suffices the overall which is more accommodative.


• Communication

• Leadership

• Personal Development

Communication is a key tool for the overall development of the personality. Good communication is a win-win in all stages of life, apart from being a commanding leader in different streams. Leadership is a powerful tool to demonstrate authenticity, value based thought leadership is the most sought one in thriving times to make all the difference by being an outstanding persona.

Only a few rare ones walk the path both in challenging and normal times by walking the talk. Leading by example, the potential for value based leadership and leaders soars way through exponential growth trajectory.

Working in a toxic environment can make anyone feel helpless. Even HR representatives can feel like their hands are tied. But you have the power to change the trajectory of your organization's culture. By going from bystander to upstander holding their coworkers accountable for bad behavior, one can turn a toxic workplace into a supportive environment where employees are able to do their best work.

For a congenial & cordial atmosphere, which generates the best results, providing a unique platform for the best to measure themselves against the best, to win or fall by the way side. Skilling and a feasible array of upstander traits will speak volumes.

With a culture thrive against the backdrop of being limited to a mere version of bystanding; upstanding is the need of the hour. A culture which holds its people together, will make a quantum leap. While a culture which goes against the tide, will just be a mere passe'. 



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