Innovation Day at IITH concluded

Update: 2023-01-08 23:49 IST

Hyderabad: IIT Hyderabad celebrated its first of its kind Innovation Day, a day specifically dedicated to providing a platform for collaborations between Startups, Industry, Academia, and tech transfer-ready innovations. This Innovation Day is another step by IITH towards proactively taking the Industry-Academia relationship forward.

Knowledge drives innovation, innovation drives a nation's growth, and each growing nation makes the global village a sustainable society for humankind, this is what IIT Hyderabad believes in as well and we proudly elaborate on IITH as Inventing and Innovating in Technology for Humanity. The inaugural event was graced by Guest of Honor, Dr Srivari Chandrasekhar (Secretary, Department of Science & Technology, Govt. of India) & Srikanth Velamakanni (Co-founder, Group Chief Executive & Vice-Chairman, Fractal Analytics); in the kind presence of Dr BVR Mohan Reddy, BoG Chair, IIT Hyderabad & Prof B S Murty, Director, IIT Hyderabad.


7 enablers, 15 researchers' innovations & 15 start-ups' innovations in the area of personal to environmental care, nano formulation to battery management; IITH showcased the vivid & vibrant ecosystem of inventing & innovating in technology in humanity with the display of 30 proud industry-ready innovations. The List is enclosed to enliven your curiosity to be part of this extravaganza.

Prof B S Murty, Director, IITH, said, "IIT Hyderabad has inculcated innovation in DNA from its with fractal academics system and many innovative UG/PG programmes like a BTech in Engineering Sciences, Computational Engineering, MTech in Medical Device Innovation, etc. With a motto to be the leader in Innovation and to think out of the box, we started many interdisciplinary programmes.

We cultivated a strong innovation culture among students by the BUILD (Bold and Unique Ideas Leading to Development) Projects, where a call for innovative proposals is done twice a year, and the selected projects are given funding support up to Rs 1 lakh, to begin with and then further supported as they proceed and we provide 6 credits for the students to pursue their innovative projects."

Prof S Suryakumar, Dean Innovation, Translation and Startups, IITH, gave a roundup of Innovation Day 2023 and, said, "Innovation is an idea that has a user connect or a market connect, it is always developed in context with the requirements of the end user i. e. commercialisation or a utilisation. Innovation can be done by an individual entrepreneur with adequate passion. Innovation is driven by passion and supported by resources, in this context IIT Hyderabad facilitates those passionate innovators might be the Students, Faculty or the entrepreneurs outside IIT etc by helping them get the right ecosystem and right platform to make their idea into a working prototype and then into a successful product.

IITH provides a vibrant ecosystem to address the various parts of innovation with 3 incubators iTIC, CfHE, and FabCI and we have Technology Centres like TiHAN and Industry hubs like Research Park. IITH also has an Institute Innovation Policy to integrate all these Hubs together. The exhibition of today is the result of all the entrepreneurship activities at IITH. They are categorized into 3 Facilitators, Technologies developed by the students and faculty of IITH, and work done by the Startups of IITH". 



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