Importance of mental wellness in making career choices

Update: 2024-06-14 14:24 IST

While mental wellness may not be a groundbreaking concept, recent years have witnessed a paradigm shift in its recognition, particularly when it comes to career paths and work environments.

This surge in awareness stems from compelling evidence that links mental health directly to productivity, job satisfaction, and overall well-being.

As societal understanding of mental health’s impact deepens, individuals are increasingly prioritizing their mental wellness when charting their careers.


This isn’t a one-way street – employers are also recognizing the value of a mentally healthy workforce, not just for productivity, but also for fostering engagement and innovation.

Let’s delve deeper into how mental wellness shapes career choices.

Understanding Mental Wellness

Although mental wellnessis often used interchangeably with mental health, they are not quite the same things, even if they can largely talk about similar aspects of our mental state.

Where mental health typically refers to the presence or absence of mental disorders and the state of one’s psychological condition, mental wellness encompasses a broader perspective, focusing on the overall quality of one’s mental state, including emotional balance, resilience, and the ability to thrive and achieve personal fulfillment.

In short, mental wellness is crucial in maintaining mental health. If all this sounds complicated, let me break it down further. In general, mental wellness encompasses:

• Emotional well-being, which involves managing emotions in a healthy way, having a positive outlook on life, and being resilient in the face of challenges.

• Psychological well-being, which includes self-acceptance, having a sense of purpose, and having personal growth.

• Social well-being, which encompasses having meaningful and positive relationships, and contributing to society.

Why is mental wellness important?

To answer this question, let’s go back to mental health. In 2019, the WHO reported that nearly 970 million people globally lived with a mental disorder, most of which were depression and anxiety. Of the working population, nearly 15% of working adults were estimated to have a mental disorder, which is a significant number, considering nearly 60-70% of all adults are at work.

This high prevalence underscores the critical need for prioritizing mental wellness. Mental wellness is essential because it directly impacts an individual’s ability to function effectively in both personal and professional settings. Good mental health enhances productivity, creativity, and job satisfaction, while reducing absenteeism and turnover.

Importance of mental wellness

From the previous description of mental wellness, it might already be clear as to why it is important for an individual when it comes to career choices. The state of one’s mental health can significantly influence the ability to choose a career path that not only aligns with personal strengths and interests but also promotes long-term professional and personal wellbeing. Let’s try to break down the core reasons why mental wellness is important.

• Mental wellness brings clarity and self-understanding –Good mental wellbeing allows individuals to better recognize their strengths, weaknesses, and true desires. When mental well-being is prioritized, individuals gain a clearer perspective on their personal and professional goals, leading to more informed and authentic career choices. This self-awareness fosters a deeper understanding of what drives and fulfills them, enabling them to pursue paths that align with their core values and passions, ultimately enhancing overall life satisfaction.

• Mental wellness can help with stress management –Stress and burnout in the workplace is not uncommon and often a result of deteriorating mental wellness . Prioritizing mental wellness can provide people with the ability to maintain emotional balance and stay calm under pressure. This enhanced ability to manage stress not only improves overall health but also leads to better decision-making and productivity in both personal and professional spheres.

• Mental wellness can provide job satisfaction - Mental wellness significantly impacts job satisfaction, which, in turn, influences career decisions. Individuals with positive mental health are more likely to feel satisfied and fulfilled in their roles, whereas those experiencing mental health challenges may seek career changes to improve their well-being. Job satisfaction can also, in turn, greatly improve employee mental health.

Understanding how mental wellness influences career choices highlights the importance of prioritizing mental well-being in all aspects of professional life.

Recognizing the impact of mental health on career decisions can better drive people towards making choices that align with their values, passions, and overall well-being, leading to more fulfilling and sustainable careers.

As awareness continues to grow, both individuals and organizations have a critical role to play in ensuring that mental wellness is seen as a cornerstone of professional life.

(The author is Founder & CEO, Assiduus)



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