Hyderabad: MJCET designs All-Terrain Vehicle for the national competition

Update: 2020-01-11 00:14 IST

Hyderabad: Unveiling of All-Terrain Vehicle SAE-BAJA 2020 was held on Friday at MJCET, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad. Team MJCET designed and fabricated all terrain-vehicle for SAE-BAJA 2020 competition and leaving for the event on January 15. Competitions will be held at Indore, during January 23-26. The vehicle will be tested for its performance in technical events like static, dynamic and endurance tests.


The vehicle performance is evaluated in acceleration and braking test, hill climbing on steep track, steering test, maneuverability test, suspension or rock crawl test and endurance test on rough mud terrain for 3 hours duration. Teams have to present details of the design, cost and sales, go-green and safety features of the vehicle. SAE conducts recruitment drive wherein selected team members will be placed in popular Indian automobile companies.

Last year, in the month of July 2019, SAE conducted preliminary team selections (Virtual BAJA). On the basis of team performance in aptitude test and design presentation, 150 teams were shortlisted out of 300 teams participated. Team MJCET got shortlisted and registered for final competitions. They have designed and fabricated the vehicle as per rule book specifications. They have used Briggs & Stratton engine, Fox suspension and special alloy steel material for roll cage fabrication to enhance the vehicle performance. The net weight of the vehicle is 180 kg and runs atabout 60 KMPH at full throttle.

Team comprises 25 mechanical and production engineering students of MJCET. The team captain cum driver is Murtuza Khan and vice-captain is Mudassir Jameel. Dr. Mohammed Viqar Mohiuddin and Dr D Srinivas Rao are the faculty coordinators. The cost incurred in the project is about Rs.five lakhs that is funded by The Sultan-ul-Uloom Education Society, headed by Chairman Khan Lateef Mohammad Khan and Hon. Secretary Zafar Javeed. Dr Basheer Ahmed, Advisor-cum-Director has extended all the support in the execution of the project. Dr Syed Ferhathullah Hussainy, Dean and Head has provided the resources and encouraged the team. The Chairman and the Hon. Secretary unveiled and flagged off the vehicle. They have expressed confidence and wished the team all success in the competition.



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