Hyderabad: Faculty Development Programme at VNRVJIET

Update: 2019-12-05 00:18 IST

Hyderabad: A Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on "3D Printing for Industrial and Biomedical Applications" was organised at Vallurupalli Nageswara Rao Vignana Jyothi Institute of Engineering and Technology (VNRVJIET). This FDP will be a 5-day hands-on training programme organised by the Departments of ECE and EIE at VNRVJIET in association with E & ICT Academy, NIT-Patna, and is sponsored by Meity HRD division, Ministry of ICT, Government of India. The inaugural event was attended by Prof. Sriram Venkatesh, Controller of Examinations at the University College of Engineering, Osmania University, as the Chief Guest.


Prof Sriram Venkatesh elucidated the role of 3D printing in the technology sector, with particular emphasis on industrial applications and biomedical engineering areas. He pointed at the various opportunities for students and faculty members in applying this technology for various applications.

The President-Vignana Jyothi, Dr. D N Rao, spoke about technology advances in general and how one must learn continuously. He added that students start as ignorant people in their engineering discipline and slowly gain knowledge and lead themselves to truth. Dr. Rao mentioned how the Vedas and ancient Indian wisdom has given us great insights pertaining to human life and society upliftment and revealed that the motto of Vignana Jyothi, "tamasO maa jyOtirgamaya", is an indication of that education leads one from the darkness in life into light. Talking about the role of 3D printing and its use in industries as well as in medical sector, he said it has brought enormous changes. 



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