Happiness depends on essential skills

Update: 2022-01-06 01:01 IST

UNICEF defines life skills as 'a behaviour change or behaviour development approach designed to address a balance of three areas --knowledge, attitude and skills', shifts in risk behaviour are unlikely if knowledge, attitudinal and skill-based competency are not addressed.

With life skills one is able to explore alternatives weigh pros and cons and make rational decisions in solving each problem or issue as it arises. Miscommunication, misinterpretation, mismanagement, misunderstanding is all taken care of ably, effectively and accurately.


Democracies need active, well informed and responsible citizens who are willing and are able to take responsibility for themselves, their communities and contribute to the political process. India the largest democracy of the world depends upon its citizens aware of their rights, responsibilities and duties as citizens. The country wants its citizens informed about social and political issues. Its people should be concerned about the welfare of others and be in a position to express their opinions and influence the world directly or indirectly.

These capacities do not develop unaided; they have to be learnt. While certain Life Skills may be acquired through our everyday experiences from our surroundings, home, and from work place they are insufficient to equip the youth adequately for the complex world ahead of them.

Be a good creator, a good thinker, a problem solver, a decision maker, an able communicator -- all essential skills for success in the 21st century.

It's just one precious life, Live Life King Size.

Some essential life skills and their importance for young will be discussed to make their wings stronger and ready them for a perfect take off.

These skills have been categorised under 5 headings for the convenience of the reader.

    Money or budgeting skills

♦    Food and culinary skills

♦    Hygiene and personal appearance

♦    Street smart

♦    Social skills

Budgeting Skill

The most important life skill for all human beings is dealing with money or finances. Living life happily within your sources is a big boon and the most important aspect of essential skills. Taking care of every little expense and overviewing the total expenditure is an important aspect of budgetary skills.

The biggest challenge is getting started, the starting trouble that we all have, but once you find a niche you will be a professional at managing your finances and can advise others too.

When we were children, we did not know what is pocket money and plastic money. Money was a rare commodity. Buying of things on our own was never a privilege to us. But this generation is lucky both in pocket money and plastic money. Your monthly pocket money has to be managed prudently.

Have a self-seal on your debit and credit cards. Plan and budget your money wisely so that every month you save a little bit. Be aware of your expenses and income. Think twice before you spend, this does not mean you should be stingy. Cut the coat according to your cloth. Analyse where you are spending extra whether on your eatables or on random essentials.

If you are eligible to open a bank account it is better to have one or have it jointly with one of your parents. Try reading and understanding the pass book given to you. Whatever little you saved every month leave it aside, do not touch it. You can use it in lumpsum at the end of the year. See and enjoy the thrill you get out of it. No words to describe that joy. The money that is saved use it either for buying something of your liking or buy the thing that you have been postponing from a long time for lack of funds.

Maintaining an account of your expenditure is a good habit. It gives a clear picture for the coming month. Try as many sources as possible before buying anything. Assess whether the item you buy is worth the amount, the utility and for how long will you be using it.

Create a lifelong habit and plan for saving money. Don't live beyond your means, curtail your expenses. After all you are learning to live within your sources and learning to manage your money efficiently whether it's a small amount or a big amount.

It's your money and enjoy the excitement of possessing it. Ensure that you are staying out of debts even if it's a small amount. These will help you to navigate through life and prepare you for the real world. You are an apprentice and a manager for yourself.

Learn to practise the concept of pay yourself first. Suppose your monthly pocket money is Rs.1000 and your expenses for school /college, birth day parties, movies are around Rs 700. You are saving Rs 300.The saving you have should be first put into your bank account in the coming month before you start spending. If the expenses are choked then you can plan to reduce them the next month. In this way you try to limit your expenses within your resources. The wise invest their money and spend what is left, the unwise spend their money and invest what is left.

Understand the basics of being frugal. Being frugal is the most important money skill as it teaches you to analyse whether spending on 'it' is necessary or luxury or 'it' can wait.

Try to save the extra money you get in some months like during festivals or may be a relative or grandparents give you on certain occasions. Spend this amount on what you planned to buy earlier and could not.

Money is good for nothing unless you know the value of it by experience. Never spend your money before you have earned it. The habit of saving is itself an education. If you run after money, it makes you a slave

but the money you have given you freedom and makes you less dependent. This is the money motto. Spend less than you have, buy less, choose well and pay yourself first.

Money does not buy you happiness but not having it or lack of it certainly buys you misery. Money is everything. Making money is common sense. It's not rocket science. But unfortunately, many of us lack common sense.



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