Exam stress: How parents and family can help

Update: 2019-03-15 01:34 IST
Exam stress: How parents and family can help

According to a 2018 study by Fortis, a healthcare company, 70 per cent students don't get enough sleep during examinations. The study conducted among 6,500 students across the cities of Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Bengaluru revealed that 85 per cent respondents didn't have even 30 minutes to spare for physical activities.

The survey revealed that only 1 per cent students were able to spend time with family and friends, which was a maximum of three hours. According to counsellor Kavita Yadav, the best way to support your child during the stress of revision and exams is to make their time at home as calm and pleasant as possible.


Don't let your stress add to theirs, she says. Kavita Yadav suggests the following tips to help children cope during an examination.

1.If your child is given study leave in the run-up to exams, try to be at home as much as possible so that you can share a break and maybe chat together.

2.It helps if other members of the household are aware that your child may be under pressure and that allowances should be made for this.

3.Make sure there are plenty of healthy snacks in the fridge and try to provide good, nutritious food at regular intervals.

4.Encourage your child to join family meals, even if it's a busy revision day.

5.It's important to have a change of scene and get away from the books and computer for a while.

6.Encourage your child to exercise regularly.

7.A brisk walk around the block can help clear the mind before the next revision session.

8.Try not to make too many demands on your child during exam time. Arguments are counter-productive and will only add unnecessary stress and distract from revision.

9.Parents should give moral support to their children by helping children find pleasure and happiness in appearing for an exam.

10.The human body requires an average of eight hours of sleep per day. Ensure your child gets adequate sleep before the exam.

A well-rested body and mind will be able to respond quickly and perform better. Help them revise, pack their bags for the next day and plan a healthy breakfast to start their mornings.

Throughout the run up to the exams and after, it is important to reassure your child that no matter what results they receive, there are various options and choices they can consider. They must know that no matter what happens you are and will always be with them and love them too.

Source: www.rediff.com



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