Enable your time sense to become efficient

Update: 2022-01-28 03:30 IST

Today's world is full of people running pillar to post for achieving their dreams. Every opportunity taken and every opportunity lost is counted in life. Ask those who talk more on regrets rather than being positive. Every single person struggles in professional and personal life to balance their efficiency.

A clear example of gap is that we never had time management as a subject to learn and hence efficiency is not accurately and symmetrically defined by all. So clearly speaking "How to manage time?" was never understood well. It is vital to understand that being on time is like using a fully optimized lubricant in the vehicle called Life.


Whatever we do in this life has to be time-bound…

♦    The right decision becomes valuable only if it is taken at the right time.

♦     If it's a meeting that you called for; it has to start on right time.

♦     If it's a commitment you made to someone; it has to be honored on time.

♦    Your small targets need to be on time for a Dream success in your life.

♦     Goals are measurable only if they are time bound.

The learning in life is that - "Time is not variable. It's fixed. If we don't use our today it will be gone."

While it is always good to be at peace it is equally important to move ahead in life too. A stagnant life is like a dead person. A person who moves ahead only values the true treasure called time.

In corporate world, a person:

    Who does not adhere to his timings.

♦    Who does not keep a commitment of time often.

♦    Who is never on time for meetings.

♦    Who is often found wiling away time.

Is termed to have casual, unprofessional behavior.

In personal space, a person:

♦    Who does not spend quality time with family.

♦    Who has no time for his/her fitness and health.

♦    Who is dependent for right decisions on others at nick of the moment.

♦    Who never finds time for friends and acquaintances.

♦    Who wastes time on gossip.

Is understood to be weak in relationships and self-development.

Time not only replicates the quality of efficiency of a person but a person who is found valuing his time is respected in every walk of life. A person who is casual about the management of his time is often known for his complacency. I have seen individuals performing miserably just because they cannot correct their one habit of being on time anywhere and for anything. Some even define it as more peaceful way to function.

Some say they cannot work under someone because they will have to work as per the regulation of time defined by others. This is just a poor misinterpretation of definition which is driving a wrong belief system. With the passing of time the same behaviour becomes habit and then it becomes a perennial problem to resolve. The mind subconsciously runs late for every job that a person takes up.

Even exams are time bound. We study a lot for the whole year but ultimately how we perform in those 3 hours of exam time is what makes the decision for a student at examination hall. Another factor for time is that we all don't know how much time we have for our dreams and targets as there is a mystery of impermanence in life. Since time is a fixed element of life; with every single minute passing by its not going to come back and is not available any more.

"Ceasing the Moment" is a terminology not just for happiness but to make the more of the present as it's never going to return back. Also, there is no bonus of time available for good performances or otherwise which this universe is offering to anyone; so why waste time and effort in things that are not contributing to achieving the dreams. "Use your time for living for today. Living all your dreams every day. Prioritising and organising your targets. Construction of your success".

(The author is the Performance Coach (www.shachi.com). For more questions you may write your questions on reachus .coachshachi @gmail.com)



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