Effective time management techniques for English language test takers

Update: 2024-06-13 13:16 IST

Mastering English Language Proficiency Tests requires more than just language proficiency—it demands adept time management skills. This article offers insights and tips for students to excel in the tests. By addressing both preparation strategies and in-test tactics, the article aims to equip students with the necessary tools to navigate test days with confidence and efficiency.


At the outset, gaining a clear understanding of the test structure is very critical. It is essential for students to dedicate sufficient time to thoroughly familiarise themselves with the format and guidelines of the test. Every individual must practice time-bound exercises and mock tests as this will help familiarise students with the pressure of time constraints, allowing them to refine their pacing and decision-making skills under exam conditions. These practices will enhance performance, alleviate anxiety, and increase the overall confidence on test day.


Improving reading strategies to identify key information quickly can significantly enhance comprehension and facilitate effective test navigation. By honing skills such as reading and listening, readers can swiftly locate important details, main ideas, and key points within a text. These strategies not only save time but also aid in understanding the overall structure and purpose of the text. When applied to test-taking scenarios, efficient reading techniques allow individuals to efficiently pinpoint answers to questions and navigate through exam sections with confidence and precision. Developing these strategies is crucial for improving academic performance and mastering comprehension skills across various contexts.

Create a Conducive Test Environment

Choose a quiet, well-lit space, free from distractions for online tests to promote focus and minimise interruptions. If you are unable to find a distraction free environment, opt to take the test at a test centre.

Familiarisation with Test Format

Mock tests provide an opportunity to assess the current proficiency level in English language skills, including reading, writing, listening, and speaking. They help identify strengths and areas needing improvement. Taking mock tests familiarises students with the format, structure, and timing of the actual exam. This reduces anxiety and boosts confidence on test day.

Reading and Listening Sections

Allocate initial minutes for reading passages and listening for keywords. Try to give enough time for each question.

Speaking Section Preparation

Prepare verbal presentations beforehand and understand segment requirements. Recording yourself during practice sessions and seeking feedback from peers could be useful. During the conversation, maintain a natural pace and use pauses when needed for reflection.

Prioritise High-Value Questions

Identify questions or tasks that carry higher scores or contribute significantly to the overall score. Focus on these questions first to maximise the potential score within the available time. Develop strategies for educated guessing when unsure about an answer. Eliminate wrong choices and make an educated guess based on contextual clues to save time. By dedicating regular time and effort to prioritise questions, individuals can achieve significant progress in their language proficiency and exam readiness.

Contextual Learning

Focus on learning words in context rather than isolated definitions. Pay attention to how words are used in sentences and paragraphs to understand their nuances and applications. Engage in regular reading of diverse materials such as books, newspapers, articles, and online content. Expose students to different genres and topics to encounter new words in context. By incorporating these strategies into the vocabulary-building efforts, students can develop a comprehensive vocabulary toolkit that enhances language proficiency and boosts performance on English language proficiency exams. Consistent practice and exposure to new words in various contexts are key to expanding the vocabulary effectively. Reading a variety of books, newspapers and blogs will help enhance vocabulary.

Composure is Key

It is necessary to maintain a calm and focused mindset throughout the test to avoid getting flustered by difficult questions or time pressure and stay confident in your ability to manage time effectively.

Practice makes perfect

Regular practice allows students to develop and refine essential language skills and aids in the retention and recall of vocabulary, grammar rules, and language structures. Repetition strengthens memory and improves long-term retention of language concepts. Practice is fundamental to language improvement and exam preparation as it reinforces skills, boosts confidence, identifies areas for improvement, and prepares test takers to perform optimally in English language proficiency exams.

Approaching English language proficiency tests with confidence and preparedness is essential for success. Implementing effective time management strategies enhances performance in every section of the test, allowing candidates to showcase their linguistic abilitiesin a time sensitive environment. With diligent practice and strategic planning, mastering time management in English language assessments becomes achievable for all aspirants, ensuring efficient use of time and improving overall proficiency.

(The author is Regional Director – South Asia, Oxford International Education Group)



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