Classroom environment and its impact on education

Update: 2021-12-16 00:27 IST

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Intelligent students, I feel, do not need a teacher; average students can manage with a bit of hard work. Remember the students are never dull, dumb or below average. The worth and ability of a teacher is known only when the class has students of different intelligent levels. One group of children take 10 minutes to learn a poem, another group takes 30 minutes and the third group takes 60 minutes but at the end of the day they are all on the same plane. If all these groups are encouraged to be positive and work together to complete a task then the class room atmosphere becomes vibrant and productive.


The teacher is the creator of conducive atmosphere where in the students come and enjoy their class time and learn the information being given. Teaching children to count is fine, but teaching them what counts is best. Never try to find fault with a student or blame the child for any fault or pass negative remarks.

Let the students know that you are strict and disciplined in your class as far as work is concerned but very flexible and approachable as and when they need you emotionally. Be responsible, be prepared and give your 110 percent and I am sure the teacher will get back the same from the students. It's always give and take, never a one-way traffic. In my long career I learnt many things from my students because the last 10 minutes of my class was an interactive session. It was exchange of ideas and correlating the lesson or topic with something that had happened in the recent past that would interest the students. It can be an international cricket match, football game, IPL auction of players or even a recently released movie. All that gave them chance to speak out their ideas, release their bottled-up emotions in an excited and relaxed manner. Teachers are with the students' day in and day out to reinforce the positive behaviour and to discourage the negative vibes. A teacher needs students ready to learn. A student who wants to learn what is being taught and better themselves is a teacher's dream.

We have students coming from different socio economic and educational back grounds. You find reluctant and stubborn students refusing to work and are extremely hard to motivate. I have found that simply listening to, showing compassion and being a consistent influence has tremendous impact on such students. You will be shocked and surprised to see them being tamed when they are exposed to positive vibrations. We as adults do not realise how strong of an influence we have over their lives. Either we make their life or break their life.

Teachers need to follow a few important aspects connected to the student.

First and foremost is, think and consider each student as an integral part of the classroom. Try to address each individual's needs. Do not ignore any student. The child is delicate at heart, he or she is going through a formative stage, anything that hurts is bound to make a scar for life. Let them feel that you are like their best buddy, and are on the same plane as individuals. Treat them as big girls and big boys whether they are in grade 1or in grade 12. This gives them a kind of social responsibility.

As you enter the class do not wait for the students to greet you, you take the initiative. In this way there is order in the class. If any student doesn't stand to greet you do not point out or give any lecture. Just ignore and speak to the child separately. You can also adopt the method of hand shake for all age groups.

Not when corona is around. Take my word the children love it. A firm hand shake gives a subtle signal that you are pleased to meet the person. A strong hand shake sets the tone and perception of your abilities. Half the battle is won then and there. Of course, it may not be possible with all students but a few at a time is fine. Let them have a feeling that you are jolly, playful, understanding and helpful and will go out of the way if required. Let the students get to know you. They enjoy knowing titbits about the teacher's life.

Once they understand you, they open up. Get to know your students too. The more you know about them, the easier it becomes to teach. (Concluded)



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