Update: 2019-07-31 20:26 IST

UPSC has released the list of 11845 successful candidates for Mains examinations recently. The selected candidates have to submit Detailed Application Form (DAF) on line. It is activated on August 1 and will close by August 16. Similarly, for Indian Forest service Mains examination also 1145 candidates have been short listed. They have to fill DAF between September 3 and September 18.


Civils Mains- Compulsory Paper –Telugu

Candidates appearing for Civils- mains examination have to qualify themselves in two papers- 1} English 2) Indian language (Telugu). Both the papers are compulsory.

Candidate has to get 40% of marks out of 300 i.e. 120 marks in each paper to qualify. If they are not able to get the other 7 papers in mains will be examined. Most of the candidates neglect the paper in mother tongue. In 2011 one candidate from Visakhapatnam failed in mains because of his low marks in Telugu compulsory, though he wrote other 7 papers well.

Next year he approached me for guidance and could get IRS (Central Excise).This is just to show how this paper also is important. These two language papers are made compulsory keeping in view that the selected candidates in their duties have to perform their day to day life with these languages in written communication as well as oral communication. Otherwise they will be failing in conducting their duties perfectly.

Candidates concentrate most of the time on the other 7 papers and neglect Telugu with the belief that Telugu is not to be studies seriously. This examination will be of 10th standard. Most of the candidates study in English medium and they might have forgotten writing in Telugu. Mostly Engineering and Medicine students learn the subjects in English. Except reading daily newspapers they doesn't have working knowledge in grammar. They forget alphabets also on certain occasions.

Study Material

Non-availability of study material for this particular paper is another drawback. Even the coaching centers do not give much importance for this subject. The candidates also do not regularly practice this paper. Candidate has to allot few hours in a week to prepare for this paper. Recently Dwana Sastry through GBK publications, Hyderabad has published notes for this paper in 2019. It explains all the facets of this paper. A model question answer paper was also given.

Detailed Study Of The Paper

The first question is an essay. Candidate has to select one topic out of four. Answer to be written in 300 words. The words limit is to be followed. It can be 310 or 290 but not 400 or 250 words. But time should not be wasted in counting the words. Try to select a topic which is dearer to you and lot of material is available in your mind. First of all explain the topic shortly. Its' relevance to the present day, its failures if any are to be explained in detail with examples. In the closing remarks your opinion on the subject can be reflected positively. In case you disagree with the given statement reasoning should be elucidated. It gives you an occasion to showcase your analyzing capability.

Let us examine few topics given in previous years

Note: All questions are to be answered. No choice. The answers are to be given in Telugu only unless other wise specified. Word limit is to be followed. In the answer sheet blank spaces are to be stricken off by crossing.

Telugu Essay question topics

2018 (English version only given here)

1. Role of judiciary in democracy

2. Environment and self confidence

3. Importance of language in globalisation

4. Indian economy and its' challenges


1. Dangers involved in utilization of technology

2. The strength of secularism is democracy only

3. The long term benefits of demonetisation on Indian economy

4. Enthusiasm of foreigners on Ayurvedic system of medicine.


1. Importance of culture

2. Smart cities- un-smart citizens

3. Difference between Judicial activism and overpowering justice

4. Inculcating our great heritage in school children.

These twelve topics are best examples for candidates to Prepare for the ensuing examinations. This question carries 100 Marks.

Second question

Answers are to be given to the substance of a paragraph. Candidate has to study the paragraph and assimilate the substance. The answers are embedded in the question itself. This question carries 12x5=60 marks. 5 questions are given. In 2018 the paragraph contained Gandhian thought. In 2017 it was on importance of book reading. In2016 it was on Women empowerment. In 2015 it was on deteriorating educational standards. Third question is comprehension. The given paragraph is to be condensed to 1/3 in own words- 60 Marks. Main concentration should be on the thread of the subject. It should not be ignored. It can be done by using idioms. Do not fair copy every third sentence.

Fourth question: Translation from Telugu to English. Naturally the answer will only be in English. This is to test candidate's translation capability. In 2017 the paragraph in Telugu was on the biography of Purushottamdas Tandon. Care is to be taken in selecting suitable words in English. It carries 20 Marks. Fifth question is vice-versa.-From English to Telugu. It carries 20 marks. Care should be taken to select suitable idiomatic Telugu words. The topic choosen was irrigation facilities in western countries.

Sixth question has four parts. Each part carries 10 marks totaling to 40. This part is completely grammar part. Usage of words in sentences, negative words, equivalent words and wrong spellings are the thrust in this question. In case the candidate is accustomed for Telugu reading it can be easily answered .The total marks for this paper being 300, one has to attempt at least for 250 marks to get minimum of 120 marks to qualify. Candidates should frequently read the text books of 8th, 9th and 10th classes to have fundamental knowledge. Reading weekly magazines cannot be treated as great. They contain mostly serial novels and short stories.

Learn more Telugu idioms

Practice to note down few idioms which are very popular! They can be classified into different categories: idioms based on trees, animals, nature, customs, human parts etc. 



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