7 jobs in the Metaverse

Update: 2022-04-29 01:34 IST


5. Metaverse cyber security expert

In the virtual world, there are great chances of hacking, cyberattacks, NFT thefts, etc. Hackers can hack the digital avatar of the user and can change the game overall. Thus, a metaverse cyber security expert will need to block cyber threats in real-time with updated protocols and system needs. These specialists need to be an expert in cyber security skills, programming, and hacking techniques alongside have a technical degree.


6. Metaverse ecosystem developers

Developing a virtual ecosystem where all components are interconnected to each other needs much experience and skills. It will go beyond the assembling of hardware and software systems in the virtual space. This development will give the Metaverse user to get the virtual items with new experiences. Lobbying skills and experience in different areas like the government will be an added advantage for these ecosystem developers.

7. NFT strategist

Metaverse and NFTs (non fungible tokens, a unique unit of data) are a part of Blockchain technology that runs behind them. These NFT strategists need to develop skills regarding blockchain technology and different Metaverse jobs.

These experts will help to analyse the domain, and industry trends in the market to provide different insights into growth. The NFT strategist will be involved in developing new NFT concepts, gamification, designs, and models to provide a great user experience. Blockchain certification skills will be helpful for these strategists to get into a lucrative career.

Apart from these, there are some other Metaverse job profiles such as product managers, blockchain engineers, data scientists, safety managers, etc. All these profiles require blockchain and coding skills along with expertise in AR, VR technology skills. 



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