5 design jobs of the future

Update: 2023-01-07 01:07 IST

5 design jobs of the future

Technology and global economies are evolving career options at a very fast pace. One such career option is Designing. Designing is everywhere nowadays-from constructing a house to working with technology. You can witness the essence of designing in small to small things.

If you are truly a creative person and can empathize with problem-solving and give problems an innovative touch then you can truly be a designer.


It is believed that the design sector will increase by 20 per cent in the coming two years and more and more people will choose design as their career option which will grow the design sector at a rapid rate. The growth in the designing sector is also increasing the number of companies with designing as a job role and designing educational courses is also increasing with it.

A career in design can offer a lot of advantages like it is a job that has flexible working hours, and you can also do work from home. It is not only that you will work from home but it is a hybrid form of working where you can work both online or offline.

The industry will definitely increase in the next ten years. You can opt up designing and can take up the following job roles:

Game designer/Animation designer

As you see people are more into games in today's time. Many people take gaming as a career option, it is an expanding industry. Gaming is now only taken up as a leisure time activity or only played for entertainment purposes.

If you are a storyteller then you can definitely become a game designer where you need to bring your concepts to life by using different characters and tools based on the target audience.

Animators are responsible for creating animations and special effects for films, television, and other media. These animations can be both two-dimensional(2D) and three-dimensional(3D). They use different computer software and self-written codes to bring these ideas to life.

If you have the following skills then you can take up animation designing as a career option:

Motion graphics

Adobe Photoshop

Graphic designing

3D modeling.

Product designer

A product designer is someone who is responsible for the designing of a product from start to end. They find solutions to current problems. They are solely responsible for making a product artistic.

Skills required are:

Understanding of UI/UX

Project management understanding

Visual tools knowledge.

Digital designer

Digital designers are one who makes digital design for websites, social media, and other multimedia. They design to be viewed on digital interfaces.

Skills needed to be a digital designer are:

Knowledge of design software

Color and typography usage

Designing principles


Fashion designer

Fashion is something that every individual worry about. What to wear and how to wear is one of the major concerns of today's youth. Every person wants to go with the trend. Fashion designing is one such option where you deal with fashion, designing clothes, sketching them, and mixing colors and different ideas according to the trend.

Skills needed to be a fashion designer are:



Promotional and quality control


Design and production

UI/UX designer

These designers are responsible for creating software and mobile applications. They improvise an application focusing on the user experience of the application.

They usually deal with issues on an application or software. They design interfaces for applications, software, websites, and video games to make the user experience easy in operating and navigating.

Skills needed to become a UI/UX designer are:

Knowledge of adobe software

Knowledge of coding

Creative visualization

If you are someone who is into design and it makes you very passionate then you can exercise your creativity in many different fields of design. Such a variety of choices will help you find your career opportunity very easily and conveniently within the frame of your interest and skills.

(The author is Academic Director of the Academy of Fashion and Art (AFA)



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