Nurturing better relationships

Update: 2020-12-31 22:42 IST

Nurturing better relationships

Building good relationships takes time. Nurturing associations is just not a skill but a mindset. It takes more than an innate understanding, maturity, perspective and finesse to have meaningful bonds. We build or break relationships based on our outlook. This stems from bonding with our internal and external circle at work or in personal life.

We either cherish someone for a life or detest based on our wavelength and maturity. Maturity is an important ingredient that enhances bonds to flourish for a lifetime. People are precious so are our associations. It requires a lot of effort and nurturing to see a successful bond through. So, how do we thrive?


Be it personally and professionally, associations are the key focal point of what and who we are. Our personality is shaped, our maturity has a better clarity as we deal with multitude of personalities and minds, we become more humane, we build each other up both in good and bad times, and some are the most prized possession. It demands our precious time both quantitatively and qualitatively, and we need to handle them with a lot of care.

Our most important associations are an important ingredient for our existence. We benefit immensely on all fronts with some priced bonds. One has to work consistently to make an association work. Respect is paramount, where this key element is missing, the sheen of an association is lost. Our behaviour, maturity, and personality play an important role in building relationships.

At work, we meet people with different personalities who belong to different backgrounds and upbringing. The best personalities shine because of their mental make-up which reflects in having a remarkable persona, a bonhomie with all, care and respect for mutual growth, with a sense of diligence and respect for all. Those who adapt and build people both in good and bad times stand-out from the rest. A people friendly approach, forging good connections, respecting all from top to bottom, building one another speaks volumes.

Our associations weaken when we disrespect, cross our boundaries, treat people badly and invade others space. Leaders are the champions who set an example by way of their actions which speaks volumes. They are emulated, worshipped, followed as they formidably connect and forge greater ties. They can relate with all because of their maturity and understanding. They have a great perspective which bridges many gaps by strengthening bonds.

One key quality that makes bonds stand out is to make quality time for people who matter. This is a harbinger of good relationships. When we don't invest in giving time, the association goes sour. Problems exist and this can be better addressed by focussing on a probable problem and not target people. We need to draw a line between the problem and the person. Being positive is the hallmark of our success.

Many people disregard this trait because of their mental make-up. We generate positive results with positive thoughts; and negative results with negative thinking. An important issue which can't be ignored. Most of us in life are judgemental, we reach a level of conclusion for everything and anything. This has to be worked on for better relations. At work, we need to make promises to keep going in realising our targets. For this, working towards our goal sets is paramount.

Let's not forget to practice by exemplifying our actions and translating our dreams. Good personality and communication go a long way in creating impactful actions. Appreciating and being a harbinger of growth factor in an organisation speaks volumes of our commitment, honesty and dreams which can be attained. The platform that comes in with all these factors is truly rewarding as your dreams get converted to reality at the organisation.

Those who nurture bonds have a sense of connect and belonging with themselves and others, they bring out the best in people and situations, they are curious, and can connect well with others from different backgrounds. They are good listeners & advisors, extremely caring and concerned about the wellbeing of others.

The hallmark of successful bonds is relating well to others, being empathetic, lifting others just as others lift you, and being growth partners, with an innate sense of trust, connectivity and concern. Great relationships not only make working easier; they also improve mutual growth and productivity. Deeply connected bonds build the factors of trust and mutual respect. It takes effort and perseverance to forge great bonds.

Quality time : Quality time is very crucial for an association to grow. Dedicating some time for people who matter is a great investment. Being part of the solution: Most of us are part of the problem in a complicated situation; we have to be part of the solution. Negating and speaking ill of others is but just a blame game.

Staying positive : People with positivity generate and acknowledge gratitude. Besides appreciating others, they are grounded and deeply care for others.Being judgemental: Never be judgemental as we don't have the complete picture of a situation. Being open-minded and staying informed helps through the process.

Be committed: The best way to show people they're important to you is to follow through on our commitments. Let's be more giving. By committing or being committed, we exercise our responsibility in a very fine way. Practice good communication: A good bond starts with good communication. Good communication has to be cultivated, which takes time, patience, effort. When communication does not happen, a relationship suffers. Care must be taken to practice good communication all times.

Be appreciative: Practicing appreciation goes a long way. Let's learn to appreciate all without any discrimination. We generate a positive vibe with every element of this feel good factor either by being or practicing appreciation.

Good associations are built on trust and respect, honest communication and empathy. The challenge lies in maintaining good ties with a lighter approach. Solid emotional support, goal sharing and forging ties matter a great deal.

Nurturing relationships is an art, only few master this technique as it needs a broader array of elements which have to be practiced consistently to bring out the best in associations. Some of the creme of the cream practice this and they shine because of maintaining very good relations with all.

Relationship building doesn't happen instantly; it's a process which takes time. Building people, relationships is a technique only a few have mastered. People skills are very important to build bonds. Most people fail because of a casual attitude, as relationship building is not an over-night exercise.

It's a technique, a mindset, a dedicated practice, understanding people at all levels. socially, professionally and at a personal level. Most times having an empathetic mindset helps us know people better. By cultivating and forging better ties, we build each other on all levels. We are partners in growth and productivity in an organisation by developing better bonds which is a hallmark by itself. 



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