George Reddy: A real hero of times gone by

Update: 2019-11-25 02:08 IST

We must appreciate the efforts of Sandeep Madhav, Sanjay Reddy, Appi Reddy, Damodar Reddy and their crew for making a biographic feature film on George Reddy.

People who love to live in an egalitarian society and love freedom and equality for all vulnerable people must highlight the unselfish life of George Reddy in all forms on all platforms, whenever and wherever it is possible.


Then, the ensuing generations will get inspirations from the lives of socially committed leaders like George Reddy.

1960s was one of the significant decades in the history of the world, because this decade had witnessed so many revolutionary movements across the globe.

Students studying at universities in their respective countries were influenced by such revolutionary movements that were being run in several places like Argentina, France, Chile, Bolivia, Cuba, America and some other places all over the world.

Incidents like police attacks on university students in May 1968 in France, the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr in the USA, the encounter of Che Guevara in 1967 in Bolivia and indiscriminate firings on common people and students were unforgettable; because they moved the entire world a lot and influenced student communities from across the globe.

In consonance with such revolutionary movements, people who had social awareness and consciousness, who had wanted to fight against injustice, and the youth who could not tolerate tyranny, fascism, imperialism and the systems of bourgeois and capitalism, had taken lead roles and waged war against all tyrants and dictators.

The influence of such revolutionary days had also inspired and motivated the research scholar of Osmania University, Hyderabad.

George was one among those students and scholars who were influenced from Osmania University that produced not only world-famous politicians, business magnets, but also a bunch of revolutionaries.

George Reddy was born in Palghat, Kerala on 15 January 1947 to Lila and Raghunath Reddy.

George's mother, Lila, was the daughter of Syrian Christian parents - George Thomas Varghese, a munsif magistrate and Marie, a schoolteacher.

And, his father was a Reddy (feudal family with so much caste consciousness) from a village Challavaripalle, Chittoor district of Andhra Pradesh.

The parents of George were very liberal and were also influenced by Marxism, when they were studying at Presidency College in Madras.

Though they were from different social backgrounds, their common feature of thinking ahead – out of caste barriers and religious sentiments - and their liberal ideas had made them wife and husband in 1940.

George was born in Kerala, but studied in several places like Kerala, Madras, Bangalore and Warangal because of his father's business and mother's profession demanded the family to shift from one place to another.

At last, George Reddy, along with his family containing his mother, Lila, his two brothers Karl Reddy and Siril Reddy and two sisters Dan and Lalitha, landed in Hyderabad in 1962; and from 1962 to 1972, till his lost his breath, George associated himself with Hyderabad in general and O U campus in particular.

Subsequently, he had emerged as an iconic rebel among his college mates who used to call him Che Guevara of Hyderabad.

Having completed high school finals from Narayanaguda St Paul's, he got admission in PUC (Bi PC, Sanskrit as a second language) in Nizam College of Hyderabad.

In fact, he wanted to become a doctor after the completion of his PUC; but due to the issues of local and non-local, he was not given an admission into MBBS, despite he stood first in the class.

George was a voracious reader. Besides his academics, he had loved reading books in general and books on Marxism in particular.

That was 14 April 1972, exactly 47 years ago, the sensational but sad news spread like a wildfire of a murder of an upcoming left-wing student leader, George Reddy on Osmania University campus.

George Reddy, an M Sc (Nuclear Physics) gold medalist in 1971, was a left-wing student leader; the founder of the left-wing student organization – PDSU.

He was brutally assassinated by right-wing student groups with the support of RSS thugs, who are infamously known for their fanaticism.

George Reddy when joined Nizam College, OU as a PUC student in 1963, the campuses of Nizam College and University Arts and Sciences College were being dominated by RSS and NSUI students.

Those organisations were creating problems everywhere over the campus in the name of politics, religion, region and caste.

Being a lover of Marxism and the strong follower of Che, he was unable to tolerate such 'goondaism' and the dominance of such organisations.

George lived a span of 25 years; but he had gained the life that can never be forgotten, as far as a left organisations are concerned. He was not only a ferocious leftist organiser, but also a meritorious student would spend most of his time in library.

Here is an instance that shows how talented he was. When he was in school finals, in an overlook, instead of preparing Physics, he prepared Chemistry. When through his friends he came to know that was not the day of Chemistry exam but Physics, without any hesitation or an iota of fear, he wrote the exam and stood first in the class. That was the memory power of George.

A professor from Bombay, who evaluated his MSc final year answer scripts, came to Hyderabad to see him in person, since his answers were so analytical and so splendid. TIFR, Bombay, wanted to allow him to work with them for his Ph D but he wanted to do research only in Osmania University in Unified Field Theory.

Since his mind was preoccupied with social consciousness and change in society in terms of equality for all, he did not want to go out of OU. Thus, he fought against injustice being meted out on innocent people.

Earlier students like George were working for a change in society, in addition to their academics; but these days students are least bothered about society and change in society.

Really, it is a very dangerous sign. If students are not aware of society, politicians, who are good for nothing, will surely dominate the society by taking everything into their control and in the course of time, they will become dictators.

If it happens so, there will not be any equality in society. Poor will become poorer and the rich will become richer. Thus, the gap between these two distinct classes will continue forever.

Hence, it is the time to think seriously about social changes and equality among all people. And also, it is the time to remember and think about fighters like George Reddy who had sowed the seeds of revolution which is the ultimate option to bring about a change in society. Hence, the legacy of George will be continued forever.

(Opinions expressed are personal)



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