Makoons Play School Celebrates Paper Bag Day

Update: 2023-07-13 13:57 IST

New Delhi: Makoons Play School, India’s fastest-growing preschool franchise, celebrated World Paper Bag Day across all its branches. The aim of the celebration was to understand the importance of making environmentally conscious choices in our day-to-day lives.

The event was held across all their branches in their respective playrooms. The celebration was a 4 hour long celebration where children were shown various environmentally friendly movies and later discussed what they learned from the movies. After the movie and discussion, children were given a fun activity to perform. They had to create fun paper bags from old newspapers. The students with the most creative designs won prizes. There was an active celebration and participation by the students. They made various designs and styles of paper bags from newspapers. By using paper bags instead of plastic bags, schools can contribute to reducing plastic waste and its harmful impact on the environment.


Paper bags are biodegradable and can be easily recycled, making them a more eco-friendly option. By raising awareness about the benefits of paper bags, they aim to educate students, staff, and the wider community about the importance of responsible consumption and waste management. In partnership with local businesses and residents, the school will undertake a community-wide initiative to distribute paper bags and raise awareness about the harmful effects of plastic on the environment. Students, accompanied by teachers, will visit nearby neighbourhoods, shopping centres, and markets to promote the use of paper bags and encourage conversations about sustainable practices.

While celebrating the event, the CEO & Founder, Vijay Kumar Agarwal, makoons group of schools said, “We as a school aim at providing all the possible measures to teach our children the importance and value of making environmentally conscious choices. We feel this is a great initiative for our students, and we plan on amplifying it further in the near future." He also added, “The celebration of Paper Bag Day across all branches of Makoons Play School, exemplifies the school's commitment to environmental sustainability. By educating students, engaging the community, and showcasing the benefits of paper bags, Makoons is fostering a culture of responsible consumption and waste management. The school aims to inspire other educational institutions and communities to join hands in protecting our planet.

At Makoons Play School, their curriculum revolves around the idea that each child is unique. Their aim is to meet each child’s developmental, social, emotional, intellectual, and educational needs.



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