IIT Hyderabad announces Open Day for JEE Aspirants on June 20,21

Update: 2023-06-16 12:44 IST

Hyderabad: IIT Hyderabad (IITH) has Innovation in its DNA; every endeavour at IITH drives towards the motto of Inventing & Innovating in Technology for Humanity. In the last 4 years, IITH has taken a plethora of dextrous initiatives, be it Academics, Research, or Campus Life, for the world-class development of fellow IITH Residents. A unique composition of Engineering, Science & Humanities Disciplines via Fractal Academics, the comparable proposition of Undergraduate, Post-graduate & PhD Students, and vibrant campus life give a lifetime of learning, connecting, and growing environment for the enthusiastic JEE aspirants, and makes IITH – A Dream Destination for their promising future.


IITH, Prof B S Murty, Director, IITH, said, “IITH is one of the fastest evolving academic institutes with a strong focus on Innovation & Entrepreneurship as we want Innovation as a magic wand to let our dynamic youth to be Job-Provider instead of a Job-Seeker. At IITH, we believe that Education should be student-centric and Engineering Education should be Industry-Centric, which is reflected in all our newly launched BTech Programs that create Industry-ready Human Resources. In addition, the BUILD (Bold & Unique Ideas Leading to Development) program nurtures innovative ideas even among the 1st Year BTech IITH Students; a Semester-long Internship, fractal academics, a double major & even a credited semester break to pursue the Start-up Idea are significant steps towards developing Innovation Quotient among these young minds and making our country not only ‘Atma Nirbhar’ but also a global leader.

BTech Programmes at IITH:

1. Artificial Intelligence

2. Biomedical Engineering

3. Biotechnology and Bioinformatics

4. Civil Engineering

5. Chemical Engineering

6. Computational Engineering

7. Computer Science & Engineering

8. Electrical Engineering

9. Electrical Engineering (IC Design & Technology)

10. Engineering Physics

11. Engineering Science

12. Industrial Chemistry

13. Materials Science & Metallurgical Engineering

14. Mathematics and Computing

15. Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering



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