Shravya Bhinder's new book celebrates love

Update: 2022-02-14 01:43 IST

Shravya Bhinder’s new book celebrates love

'Letting go of her was not easy but winning her back was harder than anything I could have ever imagined'. After nearly losing the love of his life to a terrible accident, Ronnie realises how much he loves Adira and what an idiot he had been to hurt her. What's more, her overprotective mother now takes care of her, and does not like Ronnie being anywhere near her daughter.


He's going through hell-unable to go back in time and fix things, unable to say what he missed saying to her, 'I love you.'

All he wants now is a second chance, to trace his steps back into a loving relationship and win Adira over. It will not be easy because life is tough; love, even tougher.

Something I'm Waiting to Tell You is the sweet, intense conclusion of a story that started with Something I Never Told You, published by Penguin Random House India. Penned by Shravya Bhinder, it will teach you a thing or two about soulmates.

Bhinder loves to find hidden stories around her and write novels about them. Formerly a corporate employee, she managed to flee the madness after a few years of boredom to become a full-time writer. She is fascinated by romance and strives to pen exciting stories. She shares about her latest release

How important are second chances in a relationship?

So this book is actually a sequel to my first book with Penguin, which was titled "Something I never told you". That book ended at a note where readers wanted to know more, and I thought of writing this book just to give closure to the story that was being talked about so much.

I really believe in second chances, not just in relationships but in everything in life, because it might happen that you get a second chance with a different person or a second chance at work in a different organization, but life will definitely offer you a chance if you are looking for it. So second chances are the essence of life. Sometimes you succeed in the first trial, sometimes you don't, and then you look for a second chance.

Do we have to manifest, for opportunity to come knocking at our door?

It is our own thing, our own efforts, our own will with anything and everything, so mostly opportunities do not come knocking, we create them.

Technology has opened up a whole new world of love, and a lot of youngsters and even older people are finding love through dating apps and virtual dates. How do you feel about that?

This is something I have addressed in the book. The story begins pre-pandemic, but like everyone else, the characters find themselves in the entire COVID situation. They do use a lot of technology. They can't meet. They have to do their time apart when they are in quarantine, so I have tried to keep it as relatable as possible because I want my books to be slices of life. I want them to feel that this is something that can happen to anyone or that this can happen to me too. The characters go through the ups and downs and they use tech. They use whatsapp. It teaches them to adapt.

While virtual dating has been a help during the pandemic, physical intimacy has taken a backseat. How much does that affect a relationship and does that is that depicted in your book?

One thing that everybody has realised is that tech can't replace a person, even though we see each other and talk to each other everyday, there is certain kind of loneliness. This void can only be filled if you meet somebody, if you are able to touch them, sit next to them and be intimate with them. Because we have been living through a pandemic for over two years, we have got used to it, but yes, it has decreased the kind of warmth a person expects in a relationship. It has become about how can I see the other person instead of how can I meet them. I think too much tech will eventually make us robotic and lonely.

In terms of characters in your book, you have an overprotective mother. How significant is that in this Indian context?

As I said my characters are mostly from the real life so when I chose the character of a mother, she is the reflection of my own mother, and I think it is true for 80 percent of the population that reads my book, mothers are over protective. They know that nothing bad will happen but they are not ready to believe it. I think that has happened with everyone, especially those who lived with their parents in the Covid situation, they will be able to relate to it.

You are fascinated with romance but romance means different things to different people. How do you play with the term?

Movies like rom-coms paint love as electricity. You will be hit by it and your life will change. I look at romance as something beautiful that happens every day, not all day every day, but still happens every day. It is beautiful, it is comforting, it is nourishing, it makes you grow. It might be over the top once in a while, but that is just once in a while.

It's not necessary that your partner is your soul mate, is it? Many people have more than one soulmate and many don't nd up with their soulmate, do they?

I have found mine so I believe in soulmates. Having said that some people find their soulmates after a couple of tries or may there is somebody out there who would want to evolve and grown with you. My idea of soulmate is not a jig-saw puzzle, where you are two halves who complete each other. I have evolved to the point where I believe I am complete person and my soulmate is a complete person too, and together we are able to create an amazing life. We are able to grow, we are able to nourish, we are able to make family, we are able to provide happiness to each other and comfort. So I think there is somebody out there for everyone.

Your advice to those stuck in desolate, lonely, violent and tough relationships?

I believe that you have only one life, we are humans if you have made a commitment if should not bind you for an unhappy life. Of course one needs to work on it, talk about the relationship, try and communicate and make things better, but in the end if you are not happy it's not worth it. I think people should prioritize happiness, especially in Indian scenario wherein people are married and have been taught to be happy for the other person. It's good to be happy for the other person, however only when you are happy, will you have the ability to make another happy.



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