Sahitya's Bharatanatyam performance takes audience on an art ride

Update: 2023-02-09 01:29 IST

Sahitya Ramkumar, a young and talented Student of Guru P Ramalinga Sastry presented a Bharatanatyam "Margam " at Rangbhoomi, Gachibowli. It has become rather rare to watch this traditional format of full repertoire which was therefore a treat for the audience. The choreography of the entire performance was by the Artiste herself to pre-recorded vocal and music demonstrating her dedication, planning and knowledge of the intricacies of Bharatanatyam.


Rajararajeswari Ashtakam excerpts formed the first item in Ragamalika. Adi Sankaracharya's magnificent composition was delineated evoking its full divine splendour. As the lights shone the Dancer went on to enact the different forms and postures of Goddess Lalitha through chiselled stances strung together with sprinkled movements which were interspersed with swara patterns to create a series of sculpturesque friezes.

The splendid form of the cosmic Mother in crimson hued aura was entrancingly described through dance completely from head to toe. Sahitya's masterly grasp of her visual medium based art form enabled her to bring to life as it were the beauty, splendour and radiance of the Divine. The varnam is the central, substantive core and most testing part of any such recital. It is where the Artiste's skill is challenged and weighed.

The main subject was Chidambaram where Nataraja is enshrined in his iconic "Saguna" form as the eternal God of dance. The metaphysical formless and sublime "Nirguna" form is also him. This "Adi Shivanai" varnam was penned by Dandayuthapani Pillai in todi. The vision of the Infinite as both the supreme visual and audible sensory perception of the living being was the highlight where exquisite Nritta, Natya and Abhinaya perfectly melded seamlessly. The folksy gestures contained were actually charis or leg movements from the Natyasastra. Karanas were used throughout the recital which Sahitya is training in under Vithya Arasu. Sahitya is also fortunate to be learning from Dr Anupama Kylash whose expert knowledge of abhinaya is immense. Choreography of the varnam was influenced by a lec-dem presented by S Jayachandran.



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