Natural cure for stinky feet

Update: 2021-06-03 00:15 IST

Natural cure for stinky feet

The most disgusting smell that you can ever smell is the odour when someone just takes off their shoes. Stinky feet are a common problem faced by most people and it is also the most embarrassing thing. It doesn't have anything to do with hygiene unless you don't wear socks. Most of us sweat a lot and when we wear closed shoes our feet sweat more due to the heat. Sweat mixed with bacteria causes our feet to stink and that can be a major source of embarrassment for us. Taking off your shoes in public becomes nearly impossible due to the odour. Another thing to remember is that our shoes are warm and damp due to the heat and sweat which is heaven for bacteria and fungi. They multiply rapidly in such a place and cause your feet to stink when you take your shoes off. We all want to avoid this embarrassment and in order to do that, we need some quick remedies to prevent our feet from stinking and get rid of the bacteria. Here are some tips to prevent and cure feet odour.


Vinegar: Soak your feet in half a cup of vinegar mixed with a bucket full of warm or cold water as per your choice. Vinegar is acidic and can kill the bacteria and keep the odour at bay.

Epsom salt: You can use a bucket full of water with some Epsom salt in it. Epsom salt soothes your feet and kills the bacteria. It also helps reduce sweating and prevents odour.

Baking powder or corn starch: Use some baking powder or cornstarch to prevent foot odour. Sprinkle some of it on your feet before you wear your socks. You can also sprinkle some in your shoes.

Cleaning shoes regularly: Irrespective of using the tips, the most important thing to do is to clean your shoes. Chances are that your shoes have loads of bacteria that make your feet stink. Wash your shoes and insoles and dry it in the sun to kill the bacteria. This also makes your shoes last longer.



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