Maintain work-life balance for women

Update: 2021-01-23 23:36 IST

Maintain work-life balance for women

Maintaining work life balance for a woman is like juggling a hundred things at once. She has to be the perfect professional which means being on time, contributing extra hours when needed, planning for contingent situations, managing tough situations at work creatively, maintaining proper health for proper contribution to workload and more.

At home, she has to play the roles of a daughter, wife and a mother depending on what stage of life she is in. A woman's role has evolved to become that of a provider plus caregiver while men still continue to be the provider in most households.


Manage flexibility

Rather than making an excuse for reaching office late every other day because you had to drop off your kid at school or help an ailing family member, do this. Talk to your HR Department, your manager and your peers, and ask them to adjust your work timings accordingly.


It is not possible to be at two places at once and while multitasking is needed, it is not possible to do everything on your plate. Being the best at your job means you know what to do and which tasks to delegate to others.

This applies to the home front as well. Teach your kids to do simple chores at home or turn them into 'mini managers' who can keep a tab on the monthly activities like bill payments and shopping. Don't feel guilty about it. This goes a long way into their character building.


Try to never bring work to home or carry the emotional burden of issues at home to work. These are two separate aspects of your life that you have to tackle. This means, no chatting on projects while you are out with the family and no checking of family WhatsApp group jokes while at work.

Me time

As important it is to give time to your work and family, you must take out a separate time out for yourself as well. It is after all your life and only you can add the maximum value to it. Sounds difficult? Well, just schedule an hour of your life each day and do whatever you want in that time; Read, watch a movie, listen to songs or talk to your best friend. Do anything as long as it is all about you.

Health matters

If you are mentally and physically tired all the time then it would be impossible to do all of the above. So first of all, take care of your health and get annual check-ups done. Eat well, take adequate rest and indulge in some meditation or binge watch funny stuff.

Do everything to be ready to take on the next day and enjoy it while you do.

Women's work and home life definition is something that only a woman can set for herself. All it takes is some realisation of life's goals and acting on them every day to enjoy being a woman with a successful career and a loving family.



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