India's route to gold

Update: 2021-08-11 23:56 IST

New generation formidable with nutritious food 

I was elated with pride seeing our young Indian athletes beat the odds to win those Olympic medals. International youth day and the soon arriving Independence Day were commemorated by the actions of our youth representatives. They embodied resilience, hard work, team spirit and courage- upholding the values of our great nation. In fact, we have the largest population of youth in the world. The future of the country lies in their hands and for them strive further, we must support them with good nutrition.


Gain with grains

Why chase quinoa and couscous when we have so many indigenous grains grown in our own country. From whole wheat to rice to millets; we have it all. Packed with satiating carbohydrates, B vitamins and minerals these give youngsters the steady energy that they need.

Plant power

I often see the young ones getting obsessed with their protein intake. But let me tell you, the Indian Diet has us sorted. Delicious dals, sambhars and whole pulses give us ample protein, vitamins and minerals. Did you know, gram to gram peanuts have more protein than egg? Trust me, plant protein is just perfect.

Fat and fabulous

Our country is so rich in food, it even produces edible liquid gold- Desi ghee. I swear by our Indian cow varieties that produce the purest of ghee. The flavorsome coconut oil is a great choice too. Why should you pick these? - Because they help dissolve essential nutrients, preserve muscles and keep your brain alert.

Rainbow in your plate

I am telling you, this generation loves nothing more than variety and lucky for us Indians, we have plenty of variety in vegetables, cuisines and cooking styles. To keep your youthful skin and vigor, 50% of your plate must be vegetables. Picking seasonal and local grown produces ensures minimum exposure to pesticides and chemicals.


The humble banana is the best source for instant energy. Young athletes can recharge and revitalise with such fruits. Seasonal fruits prevent dips in sugar levels and provide immunity boosting anti-oxidants such as vitamin A and C.

Spices and herbs

The biggest treasure the Indian youth will inherit is the wide range anti-oxidant rich spices and herbs. Tempered in a good quality fat, these have the potential to retard and reveres many diseases. We truly are lucky to have spices in our day-to-day cooking.

It is integral to keep in mind that the skipping of any food group is detrimental to health so ditch the low carb, high protein diet.

Let's continue to uphold our national pride by making this new generation formidable with nutritious food because physical and mental health is impossible without good nutrition.



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