Importance of calcium for ladies

Update: 2021-01-24 23:26 IST

Importance of calcium for ladies

Teeth are bones and if you are having problems with your teeth, this may mean problems with your bones too. Too many people have cavities so here are some things that you can do to have better bones and teeth.

Vitamin D

Check your vitamin D levels and supplement if necessary. Vitamin D is necessary to absorb the calcium.

Calcium rich foods

Have plenty of greens, beans, and seeds. All of these are rich in calcium.


Avoid acidic foods

Tea, coffee, colas, sugar, alcohol and other drugs are acidic in nature and leach the bones of calcium. Note – all vegetables and fruits including lemons are alkaline in our bodies because of high levels of potassium.

Avoid animal proteins

This includes meat fish, chicken and eggs as well as all forms of dairy. These are acid yeilding in our body as proteins break down into amino acids. Also they all lack fibre.


This makes the bones regenerate.

Avoid overconsumption of spinach

Spinach contains oxalates which may prevent the absorption of calcium so make sure your greens are varied.

Avoid fat and increase fibre

This combination makes your blood thinner and opens your arteries, thus improving blood flow and circulation and so improving bone health. —



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