How to not be a sugar magnet

Update: 2021-07-22 02:05 IST

How to not be a sugar magnet

How often have you experienced sugar cravings - post a meal your brain thinks "I need something sweet" and immediately you reach out to sugar? When I ask my new clients, on average their answer is 2-3 times a day!

Over my 21 years of practice, I have noticed that one of the major causes that setback a healthy diet are sugar cravings. These cravings stem from your bodies need to "reward" itself. This is counterproductive to good health and linked to metabolic disorders like weight gain, insulin resistance, PCOS, diabetes, coronary heart diseases and more.



If you skip or eat a low carbohydrate diet, your body will be unable to generate enough energy to perform daily activities. The catch? You will instantly reach out to something "sweet". I insist that you add on good quality carbohydrates from whole-grains, rice, potato or millets and watch the cravings disappear

Stop being a sugar magnet by reading my tips:

1. Carbohydrate deficit diet: Carbohydrates have picked up a bad name but let me tell you, carbohydrates break down to glucose - your most important source of energy. If you skip or eat a low carbohydrate diet, your body will be unable to generate enough energy to perform daily activities. The catch? You will instantly reach out to something "sweet". I insist that you add on good quality carbohydrates from whole-grains, rice, potato or millets and watch the cravings disappear. Well-balanced meals of whole-grains, vegetables, proteins and good quality fats will veer you away from sugar cravings.

2. Don't skip meals: I have seen when people go long hours without eating, there is a sugar dip. In their next meal, they reach out for sugars. I say eat at regular intervals.

3. Stay hydrated: I mean it when I constantly harp – make water your best friend! Most cravings are simply your body's initial signals of dehydration. Choose a glass of water first and see your cravings vanish.

4. Salty, not sweet: "Feeling tired? Reach out to sweet!" How often have you done this? Let me tell you that the body needs salt too. Neurotransmitters rely on salts to function optimally. The next time you are feeling low on energy opt for some salted nuts and see your energy levels go up.

5. Foods: Certain foods like cinnamon and fennel seeds stop you from being a sugar magnet. Munch on some fennel seeds and a tiny piece of cinnamon post meals.

6. Sweet sleep: Getting a good night's sleep and sleeping an hour or two before midnight will keep you energized preventing you from binging on sweets.

7. Manage stress: When you are stressed, your cortisol levels go up fueling sugar cravings. Eat mindfully, eat a balanced, good quality meal of protein, fats and carbohydrates. This will prevent you from reaching out to sugar. Include cardio exercise, deep breathing, yogic stretching in your daily routine.

My simple tips will help prevent making you a sugar magnet. 



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