For healthy, shiny summer

Update: 2019-05-30 00:12 IST
For healthy, shiny summer

Healthy hair is a difficult task and calls for a bunch of good habits to be followed with absolute obedience. It is a combination of healthy food routines, good hair care regime, right water and mineral consumption and above all protection from the harmful weather conditions.

In summers the challenge escalates, extreme heat or a humid environment rips off the locks of its natural shine and bounce. The impact goes all the way to the scalp making it dry and rough. Nonetheless, summers are the time for Shikanjis, Mango shakes, Golas and long walks with our seasonal friend, umbrellas who comes out of the wardrobes.


It is that time of the year that is wrapped into childhood memories and it is a must to step out and enjoy the season. In order to maintain your mane and shield it from the harmful UV rays, follow a holistic diet with an attentive lifestyle –here are tips by Advanced Hair Studio experts.

Detox water

Stay Hydrated! It is important to keep fluids level high in the body. Only water can be monotonous and for those who are guilty of consuming less water on a daily basis should look at increasing consumption of fruits. Making detox water at home takes barely five minutes and helps you fight the heat better.

Protein rich dietary

Intake of proteins! What we eat determines how we appear. Hair shafts are mainly made of proteins thus it is important to continue its intake. While it is important to have cooling foods with the increase in Celsius but eggs, lentils, nuts are good source of proteins that makes your hair stronger.

Iron stimulates hair growth

Nutrition deficiency is one of the important factors of hair loss. Iron intake boosts haemoglobin levels in the blood, which carries oxygen to repair damaged cells and stimulate hair growth. Green and leafy vegetables should definitely be a part of regular meals during summers.

Seasonal fruits and juices over packaged drinks

Fighting the hot heat waves is best with natural products. Coconut water, sugarcane juice, seasonal fruits like litchis, mangoes, baels, watermelons are a perfect alternative to aerated drinks. Fruits maintain the minerals while it is light and easy to digest.

Opt for home made and low-carb diet

Spicy and saucy food items increase body temperature and impacts digestive system. Low carb summer diet helps to relax and keeps one cool from within. Grill and tandoor are better options than spicy curries in summers. Enjoy the summers with good hair and a glowing skin.



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