Falling in love vs. staying in love

Update: 2023-04-29 06:22 IST

Falling in love vs. staying in love

Falling in love and staying in love are two different aspects of a relationship, and they require different things to maintain. Falling in love is the initial stage of a relationship where the partners are infatuated with each other and are excited about discovering new things about each other. Staying in love, on the other hand, is the stage where partners have a deeper understanding of each other and are committed to maintaining their relationship over the long term.


For most people, falling in love usually seems to just happen. It's staying in love—or preserving that "falling in love" experience—that requires commitment and work. Given its rewards, though, it's well worth the effort. A healthy, secure romantic relationship can serve as an ongoing source of support and happiness in your life, through good times and bad, strengthening all aspects of your wellbeing. By taking steps now to preserve or rekindle your falling in love experience, you can build a meaningful relationship that lasts—even for a lifetime.

Many couples focus on their relationship only when there are specific, unavoidable problems to overcome. Once the problems have been resolved they often switch their attention back to their careers, kids, or other interests. However, romantic relationships require ongoing attention and commitment for love to flourish. As long as the health of a romantic relationship remains important to you, it is going to require your attention and effort. And identifying and fixing a small problem in your relationship now can often help prevent it from growing into a much larger one down road.

Here are some differences between falling in love and staying in love:

l Intensity: Falling in love is often characterised by intense emotions and a rush of excitement, while staying in love is characterised by a deeper emotional connection and a sense of comfort and security.

l Effort: Falling in love often feels effortless, while staying in love requires effort and commitment to maintain the relationship.

l Discovery: Falling in love is often about discovering new things about your partner and exploring your connection, while staying in love is about accepting your partner's strengths and weaknesses and continuing to build a life together.

l Challenges: Falling in love can be easy, but staying in love requires navigating challenges and working through conflicts together.

l Growth: Staying in love involves continued growth and development as a couple, while falling in love is often focused on the excitement of the initial connection.

Ultimately, both falling in love and staying in love are important aspects of a healthy relationship. While falling in love is a natural and exciting part of the early stages of a relationship, staying in love requires effort, commitment, and a willingness to work through challenges together.



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