Empower the entrepreneur within you

Update: 2021-02-06 23:59 IST

Empower the entrepreneur within you

The world is catching up with the changing tide of women entrepreneurship. Be it small-scale organisations or large conglomerates, across verticals, women leaders have been proving that their strategies, insights and investments can bring equal and more business to the kitty, as compared to their male counterparts. Developing countries like India are also welcoming this tide with various subsidies, financial benefits and socio-economic provisions designed for the modern woman leader, both in urban and rural areas.


Do not be afraid to fail

You have to move outside of your comfort zone. Resumes that include failures are great proof that you have taken the necessary risks in your journey. Often, women are more affected by failure and let it affect their confidence. Don't let it. Failure is an inevitable part of success, from which we learn.

Get feedback

Feedback is critical to validate your business. Competitive research can also help you understand what customers want. You will need to go beyond researching on your competitor's websites. Read reviews, find articles about them, and interview their customers. Pay particular mind to negative reviews and ask people specifically what they wish they were getting out of the product or service they're using from your competition.

Doing this in-depth analysis will help you determine where your competition's strengths and weaknesses. Once you find their weaknesses, you should exploit them by making sure your product or service fills that gap for customers.

If you are in a business that produces a product, then crowdfunding can be a great way to quickly validate your idea.

Keep learning

The key to growth, innovation and success is knowledge. Every successful entrepreneur I have met is an avid learner. In fact, the average CEO reads up to 60 books a year. If you don't like reading, try audio books, online classes, masterminds and/or continuing education classes at a local university.

Become an expert

The marketplace has shifted, but people still value authenticity and expertise. You can showcase your knowledge through speaking, public relations and/or even blogging. You want to be as visible as possible so make a wish list of places you want to be seen that range from TV to YouTube and podcasts. Guest blogging is another great way to gain exposure.

Ask for what you need

As you navigate through your business, you will come across resources that you need ranging from capital to knowledge. Figure out what you need at each stage and ask everyone. It is often the most unlikely people that will give you the insight you are looking for. Ask people you meet in person, ask in Facebook and LinkedIn groups and ask your personal network.

Minimise negative people

You will meet a lot of doubters and people who do not get or understand your vision. Try to avoid these people or at least any work conversation with people that do not inspire you to move forward.

Network. Network. Network.

If you want to build a large and successful business, you cannot do it alone. You need to get over your fear of rejection and network like it's your job. The amount of collaboration and connections that can be gained by a large but close network is invaluable.

Have BIG plans

Women often underestimate their own potential and fail to dream big enough. It is important to tap into the inner reason behind your business and really think about the legacy you want to leave behind.



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