Cuddle weather makes people crave love

Update: 2022-12-26 02:00 IST

According to 31 percent of dating app users of QuackQuack from tier 1 and 2 cities, the holiday season and the start of the new year serve as harsh reminders of people's single status. Founder and CEO of QuackQuack, Ravi Mittal, said, "We found users specifically looking for a date to spend their Christmas and New Year's day with among the 24 million chats that were shared last month. Every year, we notice a rise in the number of user log-ins throughout this period, with the first weekend of the new year seeing the biggest number."


The App conducted a study with 10,000 survey participants including working professionals and students, to better understand the sudden spike in romantic interest around Christmas and New Year's. The holidays and the new year usher in the busiest season for the dating app.

Let's Meet IRL

According to the survey, approximately 25 percent of males with new matches had plans to get together in person on Christmas or New Year's Day. With all the celebrations, they claimed that the end of the year seemed like the ideal time to meet someone you like and make plans for the future. The majority of users on the app took extra time to pick a date for the first day of the year because the new year brings with it new hope.

Homeward bound

The majority of the 27 percent of users who were seen on the app talking to their matches about returning home for the holidays were working professionals. Additionally, they indicated hoping for a real connection in QuackQuack, in part due to the bothersome inquiries from parents and relatives each time they go home.

During this time, the app saw an increase in local matches. 36 percent of persons who return home for the holidays are observed setting up dates on Christmas or New Year's Eve with people who live within a 10-kilometer radius of their residences.

Cuddle weather makes people crave love

According to 36 percent of single women between the ages of 26 and 30, dating is greatly influenced by the cold weather and holiday celebrations. Around this time of year, more people start anxiously hunting for a spouse since single people feel an increased sting of envy when they see happy couples.

New Year, New Life

The majority of people think about ways to improve their quality of life as the new year approaches, and having the ideal spouse seems to be the best solution, according to 33 percent of those over 30. It's said that everyone makes new year's resolutions to improve their life a little bit from the previous year, and virtually usually one of the goals includes finding a devoted partner.

Loneliest Time of The Year

According to a survey, 25 percent of men and women who work in Tier 1 cities and are unable to return home are using the app to find a date or even a friend to spend the holiday season with. According to them, this can be the loneliest time of the year for singles and those who are away from home.

New Year's Resolutions

When questioned, 39 percent of daters from tier 1 and tier 2 cities admitted that they are giving themselves a small head start on their resolution to get better and find love in the new year.

Additionally, the app noted that among mutual matches, the first week of the year saw the most first messages. Additionally, the number of screen views on the app increases around this time.



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