Beauty benefits of activated charcoal

Update: 2019-06-28 23:47 IST
Beauty benefits of activated charcoal

Activated charcoal is a natural remedy used to flush toxins and chemicals out of our bodies, preventing them from being reabsorbed. Putting charcoal in your hair and on your face might not seem glamorous, but it has many proven health and beauty benefits when used safely and properly.

It's all-natural and won't add new chemicals to your skin and hair when used. As long as you use it correctly, activated charcoal powders are a safe, affordable and effective way to eliminate toxins. Activated charcoal is a black powder that has no taste or odour. It is a form of charcoal (usually derived from wood, peat or coconut shells) that has been heated in order to increase its ability to absorb things. Here are a few things activated charcoal does –


Makes pores smaller and cleaner - Activated charcoal helps bind and pull the dirt out of the pores, making them less visible and thus smaller (the oil and dirt makes them appear bigger).

Takes care of oily skin - Activated charcoal may be just the ingredient you need to balance things out. Used in a cleanser or mask, activated charcoal can pull the unwanted excess oils from your skin, leaving it smooth and fresh.

Treats Acne -In soap form, it's slightly gritty, which under the skin.

Rids your hair of toxins -Activated charcoal, when used on the hair, can pull out oil, dirt and toxins just like it does for your skin. You can find regular and dry shampoos that contain activated charcoal. If you have very light hair, don't use the dry shampoo, as it may stain.

Adds volume to your hair - When your hair feels weighed down, it's usually not just a feeling and could mean your hair particles are carrying oil and dirt leading you hair to sag. Regular shampooing may not be getting it all out as regular shampoos remove surface dirt. Activated charcoal pulls out even more dirt and toxins from not only your scalp but hair follicles also. Another difference is that activated charcoal doesn't leave the residue regular shampoos do, making your hair feel lighter and giving it more.

Scalp Conditions -Dandruff, redness, oily and itchy scalps may be relieved with activated charcoal. You can use it as a scalp treatment before you shampoo or it can be mixed in with your shampoo. The activated charcoal will work on your scalp the way it does on your skin and hair by pulling out dirt and detoxifying it.



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