Debunking myths about women & ageing

Update: 2024-05-15 12:27 IST

Myth: Anti-aging products can halt the aging process entirely.

Fact: While numerous products endorse anti-aging benefits, it’s important to understand their limitations. No product, no treatment, or no procedure can stop aging altogether. Many products promise to do so but remember that every product has limitations.

Though many such products can be effective in making you look younger temporarily, by reducing the appearance of aging signs such as wrinkles and fine lines, none of them works long-term. Instead of seeking the miracle forget-about-aging forever, adopt an integrated approach to skin and body health. That included living a healthy lifestyle, such as eating a balanced diet, drinking enough water, exercising regularly, keeping your stress levels in check, and protecting your skin from sun damage.


Myth: Sunscreen is only necessary during sunny days.

Fact: Many people mistakenly believe sunscreen is only necessary during sunny days. However, ultraviolet (UV) radiation can penetrate clouds and reach the Earth’s surface, impacting skin even on seemingly overcast days. Regular sun exposure, regardless of the weather, contributes to premature aging and increases your risk of skin cancer. UV rays can penetrate the deeper layers of your skin, causing damage that accumulates over time.

To maintain healthy, youthful skin, consistent sun protection is crucial. Snow reflection and cloud penetration can expose you to harmful UV rays even in winter.

Myth: Aging is solely predetermined by genetics.

Fact: Genetics plays a major role in aging, but lifestyle choices also significantly impact how we age and feel. What we consume does reflect on the skin. Thus, one should binge on fresh fruits and vegetables, packed with nutrients to fight free radicals that damage skin cells. Regular exercise is equally crucial. Improved circulation from physical activity delivers nutrients to the skin and removes toxins. Exercise also boosts mood with endorphins, contributing to a youthful appearance and overall well-being.

Myth: Anti-aging products can make you look decades younger.

Fact: Anti-aging creams can minimise wrinkles and lines, but it is crucial to understand that aging is a complex process influenced by genetics and lifestyle. These products target visible signs like wrinkles and age spots, not deeper issues like collagen loss or hormone shifts, and have limited control in age reversal.

Myth: Expensive anti-aging products are more effective than affordable ones.

Fact: The cost of anti-aging products does not necessarily reflect their effectiveness. While some high-end brands may command premium prices, the true measure of a product’s efficacy lies in its ingredients, formulation, and compatibility with individual skin types and concerns. Expensive products may feature exclusive or exotic ingredients, but their effectiveness hinges on whether these ingredients effectively address your specific aging issues. Conversely, many budget-friendly options incorporate scientifically-backed ingredients like retinoids, antioxidants, and peptides, which have demonstrated efficacy in targeting wrinkles, fine lines, and other signs of aging.

Myth: Beauty Sleep is a myth

Fact: Even a single night of insufficient sleep can impact your mood, focus, and overall health. When one compromises on a minimum of 7 hours of sleep, stress hormones rise, breaking down collagen. This lack of sleep also disrupts cell repair, leaving one’s skin vulnerable to daily damage. Plus, reduced blood flow means fewer nutrients reach your skin, making it dull and dry, which may result in puffy eyes, wrinkles, and even acne flare-ups. It is recommended to get at least 7-9 hours of sleep for a youthful glow –For promoting effective sleep onset, one can consider relaxation techniques like deep breathing, meditation, or reading a book before bed can be more effective in promoting sleep onset.

Taking care of the skin and prioritising healthy sleep habits are key to promoting a healthy and youthful appearance throughout life.

(The writer is a Sr. Consultant - Medical & Cosmetic Dermatology, Aster CMI Hospital, Bangalore)



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