The mood killer!

Update: 2019-09-15 00:42 IST

Too many people think that erectile dysfunction is normal if you are over 50. This is a myth. Erectile dysfunction is all too often the result of lifestyle diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, and heart malfunction. These cause low testosterone levels that lead up to ED.

You can get rid of this annoying disability just by understanding the causes and removing them from your lifestyle. Here are a few tips to bring back the buzz into your sex life and feel young again!


Lose weight

All that belly fat needs to go.

Increase fibre in the diet

Fibre has a property of holding onto fat and thinning the blood. This in turn helps reduce atherosclerosis, lowering blood pressure and improving blood flow. Make sure that all your food is plant based (only plants have fibre) and whole (to retain all that fibre).

Avoid free fats

Do away with oil, butter, and ghee (yes, ghee – no matter what you may hear, ghee is not good for the heart or blood pressure). Fat only clogs your arteries, adding to the ED. Learn how to make delicious fat free food!

Avoid dairy

Dairy is full of fat, contains no fibre, and raises insulin levels, which in turn causes ED.

Increase antioxidants

Raw fresh fruits and vegetables are packed with antioxidants.

Avoid cholesterol

Cholesterol is only found in animal products, including dairy, and is a huge cause of blocked arteries. Giving up all animal products is definitely the way to go.

Make sure Vitamin 12 is supplemented if necessary

Low vitamin B12 levels result in high homocysteine levels, which can also cause arterial blockages.

Get rid of diabetes and high blood pressure

Don't just control your conditions through medicines. Get rid of them through whole plant-based organic diet and lifestyle. ED can be the precursor of both diabetes and high BP.

Get healthy again

ED can be the side-effect of some medications.

Get plenty of rest

Stress does not help the cause. It only makes it worse.

Exercise regularly

Exercise surely helps reduce weight and stress.

Avoid smoking

Tobacco clogs blood vessels. 



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