Powers of universal perception can be transferred to us

Update: 2022-11-06 02:34 IST

The Universe is filled with many great and mysterious powers. These powers of universal perception can be transferred to us when we need them to face many of life's challenges. Siddho Hum Kriya is a practice that prepares you to become a container to receive energies, and enhances your capacity. It removes your mental limitations and also makes you powerful enough to implement these energies. Siddho Hum Kriya ensures that you not only receive the powers as transferred by the Master, but equips you to use them.


Sit in the starting position of Sukhasana and prepare yourself to begin the process of Siddho Hum Dhyan where you offer this practice to the Universe.

Siddho Hum Kriya

There are 5 steps to practising the Siddho Hum Abhyas, the Disha (direction) to face is east. This practice is ideal when done during sunrise, and each step is to be held for 1 minute.

1. Samasthithi – I am part of this existence, and I exist eternally in the past, present and the future.

Formation of the posture

• Keep your feet together

• Stand with your spine aligned and in an erect posture

• Keep your arms beside, and extend them slightly away from your body

• Keep your palms turned outward

• Gently close your eyes

• Relax the body

Breathing Methodology Softly inhale and exhale in natural breathing

2. Pranam – Bow down to the Universe for all your blessings

Formation of the posture

• Begin with Samasthithi

• Join your palms in front of your chest in such a manner that your elbows are aligned with your wrists.

• Gently close your eyes and bow down

Breathing Methodology Inhale as you join your palms and exhale as you bow down

3. Pukar Stithi – Prayer asking the Universe for energy, knowledge

Formation of the posture

• Keep your feet together

• Stand with your spine aligned and in an erect posture

• Stretch your arms up straight and spreading them at a 45 degree angle and turn your palms inward

• Gently close your eyes

• Relax the body

Breathing Methodology Inhale as you raise your arms up and continue natural breathing of inhale and exhale

4. Prapti Stithi

Formation of the posture

• Keep your feet together

• Stand with your spine aligned and in an erect posture

• Stretch your arms out forward in front of your chest turning your palms upward in the shape of a cup or a container

• Gently close your eyes

• Relax the body

Breathing Methodology Inhale and exhale naturally

5. Kritagyata – Offering your gratitude for what you received

Formation of the posture

• Keep your feet together

• Stand with your spine aligned and in an erect posture

• Place your palms on your heart

• Gently close your eyes

• Relax the body

Breathing Methodology Inhale as you raise your arms up and continue natural breathing of inhale and exhale

Conclusion – Silent meditation in self-observation of the experience, offering gratitude for what you received

• Sit in any comfortable pose (such as Sukhasan, Ardhapadmasan or Padmasana)

• Straighten your back and close your eyes

• Inhale and exhale normally

• Place your palms in Siddha Mudra

• Relax your body

Benefits of Siddho Hum Kriya

Some of the benefits ensure that practising this kriya regulates your blood circulation, and balances your blood pressure. As a result you will notice that it can cure lifestyle diseases because it acts as a stress reliever. Siddho Hum Kriya calms the mind and removes anxiety, anger and irritability. It stretches and gives strength to your whole body. It rejuvenates your body. This technique is also very useful in relieving headache, fatigue and insomnia.

In this way Siddho Hum Kriya is considered to be mankind's gifts from the ancient tradition of the Himalayas. This practice can be used for the betterment of humanity. Human potential is great and exists within every man, and woman. Siddho Hum Dhyan, and Siddho Hum Abhyas uncovers the layers that are hiding this potential and align it with the body.

(The writer is a founder of Akshar Yoga Institutions , Himalaya Yoga Ashrama, World Yoga Organisation)



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