HEALTHY FUNDA: Go natural with Home Made Scrub

Update: 2020-01-11 22:58 IST

Homemade body scrubs are cheap and can be prepared easily in the comfort of your home. The right application of the scrub exfoliates your skin and cleans your pores, providing you radiant and flawless skin tone. You can make different body scrubs at your home with ingredients from your kitchen shelf

When the skin looks dull , scrubs can work wonders, removing dead cells and brightening the skin. Scrubs play an important role by keeping the pores free of clogged oil, thus preventing blackheads and pimples. Some scrub ingredients, like lemon juice help to brighten the skin and lighten skin colour over a period of time. Scrubs also help to remove skin tan, by removing dead skin cells and their contained pigment. Therefore, the use of facial scrubs can help to remove dead cells, brighten the skin and prevent blackheads. Scrub the face once or twice a week. For sensitive and pimple prone skin, avoid scrubs. The skin type should be kept in mind for exfoliation. Dry skins may be exfoliated only once a week. If there is any sensitivity, like dry, rough and reddish patches, avoid scrubs.


Home ingredients can easily be used for scrubs and packs. Lemon and sugar are two ingredients that are commonly found in every home. Lemon juice and sugar make a good scrub, both for the face and body and specially for areas like the elbows, knees and knuckles. Lemon is rich in Vitamin C and is also known to lighten skin colour and brighten the complexion. Actually, lemon is also a natural astringent and helps to tighten the pores and also reduce oiliness. Over a period of time, it helps to remove tan and brighten the skin. Sugar is grainy and is, therefore, useful as a scrub ingredient. It helps to cleanse the pores and also remove dead skin cells. It helps to make the skin smooth and bright.

Mix olive oil and lemon juice in a bowl . Add honey and stir it quickly to make thin paste and use it as scrub in the body parts .Take lemon juice and add sugar and mix both of them .Apply the scrub gently on your hands , elbows ,knees using circular motion for 10 minutes .Rinse to get soft , supple and fairer skin .You can also use it as face scrub provided there is no rash.

1. Lemon tightens pores and evens out the skin tone, sugar removes dead skin cells and cleans pores, olive oil heals acne scaring, and honey prevents future breakouts.

2. For dry and dark hands, take 2 tablespoons sunflower oil, 2 tablespoons lemon juice and 3 tablespoon coarse sugar. Mix together till it becomes a paste. Apply and rub into hands. Wash off after 15 minutes. You can use this scrub three times a week..It acts as a natural moisturiser and prevents the skin from drying . It draws moisture from the environment and preserve it in skin cells.

fuller's earth is your best bet for soothing and cooling effect on skin .Aloe vera gel gives you fairer skin , acts as natural cleanser and get rid of skin tanning .Mix fuller earth with aloe vera gel and few drops of rose water or essential oil of your choice . Mix them well to make paste .Apply the paste on face , neck , elbow and feet for five minutes and wash off with fresh normal water to get refreshing feel and elevate your mood and enhance your confidence .

Take equal quantity of tomato pulp and yoghurt and add small quantity of lemon juice . Mix them well to make paste and apply it on your face and uncovered parts of the body .Let the mixture dry in natural environment and then wash it in with clean normal water to get rid of dark tan from skin .Tomato remove tan from your skin while the yoghurt acts as a natural bleach that will lighten your skin tone. Thus, a combination of both will work really well in removing the layer of tan from your skin

Enzymes found in seasonal fruits contains skin-cleansing properties. Use a fruit mash from season fruit like Apple, Apricot, Mango Papaya, Banana, to deep clean the pores. The enzymes and nutrients in the fruit pulp will add natural glow to the skin while keeping it naturally. hydrated giving it attractive look

Mix honey and sugar in equal quantity and make a thin paste and use it on face , hands , elbows and feet . This will scrub out the dirt, remove dead skin layers which will give you a silky, fairer and clear skin . The beetroot and sugar scrub will give you fuller lips . Mix beetroot juice and sugar and apply the mixture on the lips gently to get rosy ,soft and attractive lips .

Take one cup sugar, half cup coconut oil and essential oil and mix them in mason Jar and store in air tight container with lid .Use 1 tablespoon daily in the shower. Scrub skin with the mixture and rinse well to rejuvenate your skin .

When applying the lemon and sugar scrub on the body, apply on the body and rub with circular movements for 2 to 3 minutes. Pay special attention to the elbows and knees. Wash off with water. Two to three tablespoons of olive oil can be added to the lemon and sugar for a nourishing body scrub. Honey many also be added.

While using the lemon and sugar scrub on the face, rub gently with small circular movements. Lemon helps to tighten the pores and reduce dark patches and spots. The lemon and sugar scrub helps to prevent acne by preventing blackheads. However, if there is acne, avoid using the scrub on the eruptions. You can always add or remove lemon and sugar depending on your preferences; there is not an exact recipe for this so play with it.

Also, a word of warning; if there is any skin problem like eczema, or rash, or itching, or any open wound, avoid using the scrub.

Remember that the human body responds well to natural substances, while it has an in-built resistance to synthetic ones. So, go natural with lemon and sugar!

The author is international fame beauty expert and is called herbal queen of India 



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