Fathers don’t find faults—They find solutions

Update: 2024-06-16 09:33 IST

The third Sunday of June is when we celebrate Father’s Day. Many-a-times date doesn’t matter. What is important is to express our love and appreciation for our loved ones. Sometimes the calendar reminds us of an extra special day to remember and cherish the special moments we spent with our special people. Fathers are not merely biological necessities or controllers nor they are optional family baggage but they are the caring fathers in the life of a child, boy or girl. Where a society does not recognize the relevance and importance of a father that breeds irresponsibility.


Fathers are as capable and as responsible as mothers in care taking, demonstrating competence. They are equally sensitive to a child’s needs and can easily pick up a child’s cry. Fathers are actually better at keeping baby’s attention. They are the play-mates. Play is a mor prominent part of father child than mother child relation. It is observed that fathers indulge in little rough and tough play and mostly avoid engaging a child in more teaching. A father can do everything for a baby except breast feeding. The children get more involved and group around their father while he is involved in errands or making home repairs. I remember my daughter writing an ‘essay’ of 5 lines, on ‘my father’, when she was barely six years old. She concluded her ‘long essay’ of 5 lines with ‘My papa is the best’. It was not a surprise for the teacher because in a class of 40 almost all the kids ended their essay similarly with different choice of words. Such is the influence of a father on the child.

Every individual need love, pamper, togetherness and financial support. Taking complete financial responsibility is considered to be among the best qualities of a responsible trusted father. Everything is put on hold just to take care of the children. The role of a father can never be substituted with any precious thing in this entire world. Apart from working hours his entire time is devoted to his lovely children. No matter how important other things are and how tired he is, the moment he sees his children running to hug him everything evaporates. His thoughts hover around his children regarding their betterment. His friends, his interests and his cherished young age days take a back seat for the sake of his children. He sacrifices his me time, his emotional well -being and places his kids above everything else. He becomes their pillar of strength, even when facing his own emotional battles. His flamboyance vanishes and a mature responsible self takes place and he foregoes many things. All said and done these are not sacrifices but little pleasures in a father’s life. Ironically, dad’s sacrifices are never glorified and not many feathers are added in his cap.

Father is always at receiving end. How father manages is hardly understood by children or mother but one thing is sure if he fails, the children as well as their mother give a combined front. Fathers surprise children with little things just to see a smile on their face. He would fight with the world to protect his children. They are his world. He is a bridge between the present and future. His imprint remains forever in the life of a child. When you are young you think your dad is a superman. When you grow up, and you realize he is just a regular guy who wears a cape. The greatest gift that I got from my father was, ‘he believed in me’ and let me do ‘what I wanted to’.

Mother’s give drive, FATHERS GIVE DREAMS.

The Heart of a father is the MASTER PIECE OF NATURE.



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