The recent stampede during the Vaikunta Dwara Darshanam has starkly exposed glaring lapses in coordination and accountability among the Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanam’s (TTD) leadership, police, and district administration. More than just a security failure, this incident has unveiled the simmering tensions between TTD Chairman and the Executive Officer (EO), both of whom were handpicked by Chief Minister N Chandrababu Naidu. Their public discord has added fuel to the fire, raising serious concerns about the temple’s governance.
In a damage-control effort, the entire state cabinet, including Chief Minister and Deputy Chief Minister Pawan Kalyan, rushed to Tirupati to issue public apologies. However, both the TTD Chairman and the EO appeared to lack genuine remorse. First, the Chairman refused, but under pressure, next day he offered an apology giving a scope for criticism that he was arrogant.
The gravity of the situation seemed lost on them as they openly traded accusations at a critical review meeting chaired by the Chief Minister. The Chairman criticised the EO for sidelining him in the decision-making process, particularly regarding the issuance of Vaikunta Dwara Darshan tickets. The EO, in turn, accused the Chairman of excluding him from key decisions, including matters related to the Srivani Trust and public communications.
“What exactly have you told me? Have you updated me on the plans for Vaikunta Ekadasi, which starts tomorrow?” the Chairman questioned, expressing frustration over being left in the dark. The EO promptly retorted, challenging the Chairman’s transparency in his own actions. This unseemly blame game in front of the Chief Minister prompted a sharp rebuke from Naidu, who reminded them of their professional responsibilities. “You are exceeding your limits. On whom are you letting out your frustration? There is a method to follow for everything. Both of you work at the same place and must coordinate with patience and understanding,” Naidu admonished, visibly enraged by their lack of cohesion.
At the heart of this discord lies a fundamental misunderstanding of roles. The TTD Chairman and the Board members are tasked with shaping policy and overseeing its implementation, while the EO manages daily operations. Yet, both dignitaries appear to be encroaching on each other’s domains, leading to administrative confusion and operational lapses.
The government must seriously address this alarming breakdown in leadership. Swift and decisive action is imperative – not just suspending police officials or the goshala in-charge but re-evaluating the leadership at the TTD. Rumors suggest the government is considering replacing the EO, but the situation arguably warrants complete overhaul.
Replacing both the EO and the Chairman would send a strong, impartial message that the government prioritises effective governance over political considerations. Such a move could restore public confidence and assure devotees that the temple’s sanctity and administration are in capable, conflict-free hands. Ultimately, the TTD requires leaders who can collaborate seamlessly, uphold their defined responsibilities, and prioritise the safety and spiritual experience of devotees. Anything less is a disservice to the millions who place their faith in this sacred institution.