Needling China at every chance

Update: 2022-12-01 07:15 IST


The western world and its media always look at the rest of the world through their own prism. Whatever they do is right and scientific and what the others do has to be corrected or objected to – more so in the case of China. Whatever China does is wrong for it including its desperate yet dogged fight against Covid-19. As long as China was battling it, imposing the strictest curbs in the past was wrong and anti-democratic. When it decides to slowly ease the curbs, it is disastrous in implications. There are reports of people in some areas protesting the decisions of continued lockdown and it's music to the ears of the western media. Even the Indian media does it.


There are already stories about 'beginning of balkanization of China" and "Xi step down." China has a problem: A pandemic that never goes out. It could be due to several reasons. Or perhaps, it is following the strictest standards and not leaving anything to chance. Of course, there is a problem with a country like China where the happenings are always shrouded in mystery. But, do we have to look at its problems too from our political prisms? When the media says "soon China will be having some six millions in ICU," it sounds more like wishful thinking. Only sadist minds could make such death wishes. Is there no room for compassion without which we only dehumanise ourselves.

The world comprises not just the US and Europe but also Africa, Latin America, Asia and middle-West (middle-East for those in the west). Ideological differences should not subvert our narratives. Not everything is about power games. No country could be perfect in dealing with a challenge like the pandemic but zeroing on only the negative issues is wrong. The west always does it. Even in the Ukraine conflict sown by it, it keeps blaming Russia that has been forcibly drawn into it. Deaths in China due to Covid-19 cannot be compared with European countries whose population is minuscule. It is wrong to apply such percentages for comparative study with countries like China or India.

If the situation is really that bad, China would not have recovered as easily as it has done. Its economy is still manageable unlike some of the western countries including the US. Chinese experts have claimed that their country has adopted a dynamic approach towards handling the pandemic. It undergoes constant adjustments. It is not a random approach that China has adopted. It is a rigorous and intense testing method and hence the maximum precautions. People would naturally protest such extreme impositions, but by no estimate it is proof of China breaking up. The criteria is said to be based on: Science, China's interests and for protecting its population. Applying any other yardstick does not make sense.

Instead of offering help – to accept or not is different on part of China – trying to poke the country politically is wrong. Not on this count, at least.

We should not forget that

the pandemic is the real

global thing.

Needling China at every chance



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