World Vegan Month

Update: 2023-11-25 15:12 IST

World Vegan Month was established in 1994 to commemorate the forward movement of the ideology. It was also used as a way to note the creation of The Vegan Society in the UK 50 years prior, in November of 1944. Given the number of animals who had given their lives for meals, the date was selected to fall in line with Halloween and the Day of the Dead, to honor those animals who had already passed under the unnecessary cause of supporting human life.


Vegans believe that there is a better way to live. They also recognize that the composition of the human body as omnivores is something that, with time, can slowly be eliminated, rendering human incisors as unnecessary as the appendix.

Not only that, with a continually growing understanding of how much of a strain human life is putting on Planet Earth, people are beginning to recognize that giving up animal-based products is a fairly simple way to reduce this strain.



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