Creating dangerous narrative of India outside is not ethical

Update: 2024-09-11 06:50 IST

Whose script is Rahul Gandhi reading? And why are his cheerleaders praising “Rahul ji’s” speech in US so much?. Someone should tell him that the stature of a leader gets enhanced when one speaks high of his motherland. If there are political differences the fight should be restricted to political arena.

It’s time Rahul Gandhi chooses his words because he is not just a Congress leader. Thanks to the support of bloc INDIA he got an opportunity to become the Leader of Opposition not because of any spectacular victory of Congress party.


As LoP he has no right to criticise the country abroad whatever explanation his cheer leaders may give. He often quotes China. Can he give one example when any of the Chinese leaders had criticised their country?

On one hand he says he does not treat Modi as his enemy and that Modi should not treat himself as synonymous with country. Agreed but Rahul too should not consider himself to the apostle of wisdom. He can keep criticising the policies of the government in Parliament or political platforms, but should not create a dangerous narrative by criticising India during his foreign trips or make comments on sensitive issues.

“The fight is about whether a Sikh is going to be allowed to wear his turban in India or a kada in India. Or he, as a Sikh, is going to be able to go to Gurdwara. That’s what the fight is about. And not just for him, for all religions,” Rahul remarked. It is very unfortunate statement. Does Congress want such a situation so that they fish in troubled waters?

There is no such situation in India. Yes, there were such instances in UK where Rahul keeps visiting often. Why did he not speak about it there and tell the rulers there that it is not acceptable to him.

Moreover, it pains to hear from Congress leaders when they speak about Sikhs. It was they who had created mayhem soon after the assassination of Indira Gandhi. Anyone who had witnessed the way the Sikhs were beaten, turbans burnt, hair cut, and many were burnt to death can never forgive the grand old party which now talks of ‘Mohabbat ki Dukan.’ Mohabbat is not a commodity they should understand.

He calls Parliament a War Zone. He should first explain what bloc INDI had achieved by frequent disruptions except wasting public money. “Kuch tho socho Log kya kahenge?”

Undoubtedly unemployment is a major issue in India. But does Rahul have any vision for future? Why does he not talk of fast changing demographic pattern of India where the percentage of elderly people is increasing at an alarming rate. He should talk of how to arrest this trend so that country can have need-based skilled labour.

He also spoke about Vietnam not having employment problems. Why is it so? Did he study? Over the ten-year period 2011 to 2021, Viet Nam made significant progress in the educational attainments of its labour force. What about India? Most of the countries including Japan and China take pride in teaching and learning in their mother tongue and are trained in various skills from primary school level. We feel shy to speak and learn in our mother tongue.

In Japan even a primary school child will not throw even a waste paper on road or in his class room. They take pride in cleaning the class rooms. Can Congress promise this in India if bloc INDI comes to power? What will you do Rahul ji speak about it. Don’t bother whether one fears Modi or not.

Will bloc INDI agree to reduce freebies drastically and make people self reliant like in Japan and China? Mere criticism of rival political parties will not help. Rahul and Congress should unveil their vision 2047.



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