Father's Day 2021 Special: The 5 Main Qualities Of A 'Father' According To Mahabharata

Update: 2021-06-19 19:55 IST

Father’s Day Special: The 5 Main Qualities Of A ‘Father’ According To Mahabharata

Father's Day 2021 Special: "The quality of a father can be seen in the goals, dreams and aspirations he sets not only for himself, but for his family."

Well, this quote better describes a 'Father' and makes us know the importance of the main member of a family. In the past, children, generally used to love mothers as she stays with them all the time. When it comes to father, he always stays out for his work and comes home in the evening. Thus, kids used to have some sought of fear to turn close to him.


But those days are gone… In this modernized world, both father and mother are working and thus, they are also sharing responsibilities. Thus, sometimes father also needs to look after his children. And these days, fathers are turning into the besties of their kids and showing them the way to get succeeded in their lives.

From making them learn how to in their childhood to how to shape their careers in their teenage, fathers are turning as their first bestie giving the right suggestions to their kids.

According to Mahabharata, the qualities of a father are greatly described… Take a look!

Shloka 1 :

जनकश्चोपनेता च यश्च विद्यां प्रयच्छति।

अन्नदाता भयत्राता पश्चैते पितरः स्मृताः॥

Hindi translation:

जन्मदाता, उपनयन संस्कारकर्ता, विद्या प्रदान करने वाला,

अन्नदाता और भय से रक्षा करने वाला – ये पांच व्यक्ति को पिता कहा गया है।

English translation:

Here we describe the 5 qualities of a 'Father'

• One who gives birth

• one who initiates

• one who imparts knowledge

• one who provides food

• one who protects from fear

This shloka makes us know the importance of a 'Father' in our lives.

Shloka 2 :

pitā svargaḥ pitā dharmaḥ pitā paramakaṃ tapaḥ ।

pitari prītimāpanne sarvāḥ prīyanti devatāḥ ॥

Hindi translation:

मेरे पिता मेरे स्वर्ग हैं, मेरे पिता मेरे धर्म हैं, वे मेरे जीवन की परम तपस्या हैं।

जब वे खुश होते हैं, तब सभी देवता खुश होते हैं!

English translation:

My Father is my heaven, my father is my dharma, he is the ultimate penance of my life. If he is happy, all deities are pleased.

According to Mahabharata Shanti Parvam, a father should always be considered as heaven and if he is pleased then all the deities are pleased!!!



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