Neha Bagaria, Founder & CEO, HerKey (formerly JobsForHer)

To ensure a digital-centric future, it is imperative for India to recognise the vital importance of fostering a holistic skill development ecosystem encompassing not only technical and hard skills but also essential life skills. This holds particular significance for our young population, including women graduates entering the workforce, to mitigate the concerning trend of high dropout rates. We must prioritise equipping the youth with a comprehensive set of life skills that are equally valued alongside technical competencies in the era of automation and Industry 5.0. These essential life skills prepare individuals to adapt effectively to evolving environments. As advocates for the well-being of society, we firmly believe that the strength of a community depends on the opportunities it provides to all individuals. Therefore, as leaders, it becomes our responsibility to foster collaboration and establish a robust skilling ecosystem that caters to the multifaceted needs of today's youth.

Update: 2023-07-15 11:24 GMT

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