Dipali Padia, President -Banking Alliance and Partnerships at Neokred

Every individual professionally and personally strives for recognition of their work and existence. When we tap into the myriad of potentials by means of acceptance, creativity and newness that each individual exhibits, we enable a pool of phenomenal changes resulting in quantum achievements. The simplest way to get to this is also through ‘Gender Inclusivity’. This can bring about legendary & philanthropic milestones for all across the globe.


We’ve so far seen how the Western and European nations have greatly benefitted by placing women in commanding positions that include names such as Sheryl Sandberg (Ex COO Meta) to Jacinda Ardern (Ex NZ PM) and Angela Merkel (Germany). They have singularly and consistently utilised their professional positions to alleviate non-inclusivity thereby depicting that women too are positive trend setters and are equally capable of outperforming commanding positions across industries. When opportunity meets talent, there’s that desired magic to witness continually.

Update: 2023-03-08 07:16 GMT

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