YSRCP Minister Viddala Rajini Promises Development in Guntur West

Update: 2024-04-25 12:04 IST

Guntur West Constituency's YSRCP candidate and State Minister of Medical and Health Affairs, Vidadala Rajini, expressed her determination to make the dreams of the poor a reality during the 'Manatho Mana Rajinamma' program held in the 29th Division of Guntur city. She emphasized the need for Chief Minister Jagananna's leadership to ensure the dreams of the underprivileged are fulfilled, especially in the wake of the destruction of the Amaravati capital project.


Rajini highlighted the significant development taking place in major cities across the state, including the construction of flyovers, embankments, and parks in cities like Vijayawada, Visakhapatnam, and Tirupati. Promising unprecedented development in the Guntur West Constituency, she urged the public to support YSRCP for continued progress.

MLA Maddali Giri echoed Rajini's sentiments, urging citizens not to disrupt the peace and progress brought about by the YSRCP government. He emphasized the need to acknowledge the positive changes implemented under Jagananna's leadership and urged residents to continue supporting the ruling party.

During her visit to various colonies in the division, Minister Rajini was accompanied by local leaders and YSRCP members, including Division Corporator Sheikh Roshan, former corporator SK Saida, and others. The event garnered support from residents who expressed their approval of YSRCP's vision for sustainable development in the region.



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