YS Jagan inaugurates Dr BR Ambedkar statue, dedicates it to nation

Update: 2024-01-19 18:16 IST

Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy on Friday unveiled the 125-ft tall statue of Dr BR Ambedkar at Swaraj Maidan Stadium in Vijayawada. This monumental structure, known as the Statue of Social Justice, stands atop an 81-foot pedestal at the Smriti Vanam, reaching a total height of 206 ft. It is considered the tallest non-religious statue in the country.


Addressing the public during a meeting called Samajika Samatha Sankalpa Sabha, CM Jagan Reddy dedicated the statue to the nation. He expressed his vision for Vijayawada to be recognized as a place associated with the statue of social justice, much like the Statue of Liberty in the United States. He emphasized that the statue represents the progress made by Dalits, minorities, and women in India over the course of several decades.

CM Jagan Reddy also highlighted the significance of Dr BR Ambedkar's teachings and his fight against arrogance, caste pride, and discrimination. He described the statue as a symbol of the ongoing struggle against untouchability, acknowledging that various forms of untouchability still persist in society today. He commended Ambedkar for championing an educational revolution that empowered oppressed classes who were previously denied access to education.

The project, which cost Rs 400 crore, spans across 18.18 acres and is an entirely indigenous endeavor from inception to completion.



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