Visakhapatnam: AIIEA expresses solidarity with coronavirus warriors

Update: 2020-05-14 02:41 IST
All India Insurance Employees’ Association

Visakhapatnam: The All India Insurance Employees' Association (AIIEA) has extended solidarity with the demand of the frontline workers. It said that thousands of frontline corona warriors are toiling day in and day out in times of the coronavirus pandemic.

As per the call of the Centre of Indian Trade Unions (CITU), the frontline corona warriors are observing All India Demands Day on Thursday. They are demanding adequate safety measures for the frontline corona warriors, including protection of the labour laws which are under attack, according to them.


The Covid-19 pandemic has already taken a heavy toll in terms of loss of lives and livelihoods. As the total number of corona infected cases keeps mounting, so also the number of infected frontline workers.

According to the recent reports, more than 500 doctors, nurses and paramedics across the country had already been infected. However, these figures do not include field workers, ward boys, sanitation workers, security guards, lab attendants, peons, laundry and kitchen staff etc. the AIIEA representatives mentioned that workers in the unorganised sector have been the worst sufferers. It is a tragedy that quite a large number of these vulnerable sections of the workers are working without any protective gear and other safety measures, they pointed out.

While expressing its strongest opposition to the anti-worker policies of the government, the All India Insurance Employees' Association demands adequate safety measures for the frontline workers and requests the President of India not to give his consent to any of the anti-worker ordinances. The AIIEA expresses solidarity to the frontline workers and calls upon all sections of the working people in India to stand shoulder to shoulder with the corona warriors at the moment of crisis.



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