Rajamahendravaram: On a mission to protect River Godavari

Update: 2021-12-09 00:08 IST

On a mission to protect River Godavari

Rajamahendravaram: Six retired people riding bicycles from Nasik in Maharashtra arrived on Wednesday at Pushkar Ghat here to mark the campaign for the protection of the River Godavari.

Ullas Damodar Kulakarni, Ramesh Dhatray, Chandrakanth Nayak, Ramnath Sandhani and Sivannarayana Mishra came to Pushkar Ghat and created awareness among people. Rajamahendri Godavari Parirakshana Samithi chairman TK Visweswar Reddy welcomed the six Maharastrians who came with a strong motive to protect the Godavari water. He said that they started the journey from Triyambakeshwar near Nasik in Maharashtra and travelled nearly 1,400 km and reached the Pushkar Ghat. He said that from Pushkar Ghat they would travel to Antarvedi. From there they would return to Nasik in Maharashtra.


He pointed out that it is an adventurous journey at the age of 60 years. He complimented them for making such great efforts and travelling as part of protecting the River Godavari. He said that cycling invigorates one's health and compliments them on an arduous long journey.

The Maharastrians cited the example of Nasik municipality which exempted house tax for those who come to office on bicycle regularly. Added to it, they said cycling promotes pure air without pollution.

Rajamahendravaram citizens felt that the RMC may exempt house tax to those who come on bicycles regularly to their office. They said that such a step would be a happy beginning for health as well as good incentive.  



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