Ongole: Keep your chin up, says Covid survivor Veluri Kalyan Chakravarti

Update: 2021-05-08 00:28 IST

Keep your chin up, says Covid survivor Veluri Kalyan Chakravarti

Ongole: "When tension builds up in your mind, the severity of the disease increases in the body, which is not good for you and your family," says Veluri Kalyan Chakravarti, who won the battle against dreaded Covid-19 infection a few months ago.

"Testing Covid postive is the least thing to worry about. Instead, it time to react quickly and wisely. Just follow doctor's advice, have nutritious food and don't forget to exercise," he said. "More importantly, keep your mind calm and be confident that you're going to go back home soon."


Kalyan Chakravarti runs a store. Perhaps that was how he got infected with coronavirus last October. Upon observing the symptoms, he got tested himself. Following the advice of health workers, he went to a Covid care facility established at the Social Empowerment Centre here.

"I believe that only because I took doctor's advice did I recover and got discharged from the hospital," Kalyan told The Hans India.

He said that the doctors and nurses were caring, friendly and cooperative. Apart from happy atmosphere there, Covid-19 patients are provided with nutritious food like ragi java, chicken, eggs, steamed rice, chapati and other nutritious food. The patients were also encouraged to participate in yoga and exercise sessions.

According to Kalyan Chakravarti, the doctors did not hide anything. They made it clear that there was no perfect medicine for the virus yet, but being brave will work as a catalyst to increase antibodies and help in faster recovery.

Watch films and keep tension away, he added. He said that they ask the patients to relax their mind and body and stay away from the issues that could aggravate mental tension.

He said that the doctors asked them to watch comedy films and their favourite entertainment programs and have hearty laugh so that they would aid in boosting their immunity. "Boost your confidence and it will boost your immunity," the oneliner advice from Kalyan.



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