Narayana wife participate in election campaign in Nellore City

Update: 2024-04-02 08:47 IST

Former Minister Dr. Ponguru Narayana wife Ramadevi, along with former municipal chairperson Thallapaka Anuradha, conducted an election campaign in Balaji Nagar and other areas of Nellore City's 16th Division.

They were warmly welcomed by division leaders, workers, and residents. The duo went door-to-door in the division, accompanied by local leaders, activists, and women's groups, informing people about the progress made by Narayan and urging them to vote for the bicycle symbol in the upcoming elections.


Speaking to the media, Ponguru Ramadevi expressed satisfaction with the overwhelming response received from the people in every division they visited. She emphasized the unity among the people in supporting Narayan's development agenda and expressed confidence in winning both Narayan as MLA and Vemireddy Prabhakar Reddy as MP with a significant majority in the upcoming elections. Ramadevi assured the public that, if elected, they would work towards making Nellore the top city in the region.



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