Kumaradhara Theertha Mukkoti on Feb 24

Update: 2024-02-19 09:43 IST

Tirumala: The torrent festival of Kumaradhara Theertha Mukkoti will be observed in Tirumala on February 24, while the monthly Pournami Garuda Seva will also be observed on the same day.

Among the torrent festivals that are being observed by TTD, besides Tumburu, Ramakrishna Theerthams etc. Kumaradharatheertham also occupies a significant place as devotees take part in this torrent fest with enthusiasm.

Meanwhile, on the same day evening, Sri Malayappa will be taken on a celestial ride along four mada streets on mighty Garuda Vahanam between 7 pm and 9 pm.



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