HLC modernisation neglected for 2 decades

Update: 2024-07-01 09:02 IST

Anantapur: All eyes are on the newly formed TDP government, expecting it to bring the HLC project to its logical completion. The lethargy of rulers of AP is glaring, because 100 km canal modernisation was completed on Karnataka side, but from AP side, 100 km canal is not completed, dragging the project for nearly 20 years.

HLC modernisation was actually initiated by former CM late YS Rajasekhara Reddy to benefit Rayalaseema region. He convinced Karnataka government to take up canal modernisation on its side for a stretch of 100 km, so that AP also will take up the same for another 100 km stretch in AP territory. These modernisation works would solve the problems of breaches and silt formation throughout the canal route resulting in slow pace of water flow, evaporation losses and also indiscriminate water diversion by farmers.


Ironically, all canal modernisation works on Karnataka side had been completed but in AP, the main beneficiary of the project, the HLC project has become a casualty to the indifference of all past governments. HLC Superintending Engineer Rajasekhar told The Hans India that the project faced hassles and works were executed in several phases. A fresh proposal for Rs 400 odd crore has been sent to the government for the completion of the project. The project works will be activated once the government approves the proposal. HLC modernisation works, which were taken up at an estimated cost of Rs 470 crore in 2008, has been pre-closed by the then State government. 



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