CPI Urges Declaration of Wayanad as National Calamity Area Following Devastating Floods

Update: 2024-08-12 08:45 IST

Wayanad, Kerala - In light of the recent catastrophic floods that have claimed 416 lives, including 47 members of the Communist Party of India (CPI), Dr. K. Narayana, National Secretary of CPI, has called for Wayanad to be declared a national calamity area. Addressing media after visiting the flood-affected regions of Wayanad, he emphasized the urgent need for comprehensive support from the government.


Wayanad, nestled in the Western Ghats and recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage site for its rich biodiversity and stunning landscapes, has witnessed unprecedented devastation. Dr. Narayana expressed his condolences to the families of the deceased and highlighted the importance of solidarity in aiding the victims regardless of political affiliations.

While welcoming Prime Minister Narendra Modi's visit to Wayanad, Dr. Narayana criticized the Prime Minister for not directly inquiring about the specific needs of the affected people. He urged the government to implement L3 regulations and officially declare Wayanad as a National Natural Disaster Center, thereby unlocking necessary aid under the UN Convention on humanitarian grounds.

Currently, the state government has established 13 rehabilitation centers for the displaced, where officials are assessing the needs of those affected. Requests for essential items such as stoves, mixies, pressure cookers, and iron boxes have been made by the inhabitants. In response, Dr. Narayana ordered immediate assistance, ensuring that funds are released for these vital supplies.

Reports indicate that nearly 500 houses have been damaged due to the floods. To address this urgent need, Dr. Narayana has called for the swift construction of these homes for affected families. Meanwhile, essential commodities, including 11 quintals of rice, clothes, blankets, 800 sarees, lungies, ragi malt, pulses, and 5,000 notebooks, collected by the AP Council and CPI, have been sent to Wayanad for distribution.

Dr. Narayana emphasized the need to prioritize the reconstruction of homes on a war footing, stating that the distributed items will follow the completion of the housing projects managed by the district council and CPI.

Joining Dr. Narayana on this critical visit were M. Saikumar, State Treasurer of the All India Students Federation (AISF), along with various state leaders, including Sadiq, Ayyappa, PK Murthy, EJ Babu, and others.

The devastating floods have highlighted the need for immediate collective action to support the people of Wayanad and restore hope and livelihoods in the region.

Tq sir



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